
Movie listing app which follows MVP architecture.

Primary LanguageJava


This is demo project having the below features:

  1. Show a movie list at the HomePage (using theMovieDb API).
  2. You can sort the movies either by popularity or ratings.
  3. You can favourite/unfavourite a movie.
  4. You can see a movie detail by clicking on a movie.
  5. Uses okHttp3 as network transport.
  6. Uses Picasso for image loading and caching.
  7. Uses Retrofit for networking and response caching.
  8. Uses Dagger2 for dependency injection.
  9. Uses ButterKnife for view injection.
  10. Uses Timber for logging.
  11. Uses Gson for json parsing.
  12. Follows MVP(Model-View-Presenter) archietecture.


Detail Page