Oasis Info Byte Internship - Web Developer Internship Projects

Greetings and welcome to my OIBSIP (Online Internship Projects) repository! Within this repository, you will discover the assignments I completed during my web developer internship at Oasis Info Byte. The projects were distributed across three distinct levels, each containing its own set of tasks to accomplish.

Table of Contents

Level 1 Projects

Level 1 comprises three projects that fostered the development of a foundational understanding of web development. These projects centered around front-end development, encompassing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Task 1

Landing Page:

  • Summary: A landing page, crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Technologies Employed: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Repository: The project's GitHub repository can be found here: GitHub Repository
  • Visuals: landing_page landing_page1

Task 2


  • Summary: A landing page, crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Technologies Employed: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Repository: The project's GitHub repository can be found here: GitHub Repository
  • Visuals: portfolio portfolio1 portfolio2 portfolio3 portfolio4

Task 3

Temperature Converter Website:

  • Summary: A landing page, crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Technologies Employed: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Repository: The project's GitHub repository can be found here: GitHub Repository
  • Visuals: temperature


These projects furnished invaluable hands-on experience and contributed to the advancement of my skills as a web developer. Each project presented distinctive challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth. I am appreciative of the learning experiences and the privilege to contribute to real-world web development initiatives.

For further details on each project, kindly consult the respective project repositories. Should you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out!