Log Ingestor and Query Interface (SDE-1 and SDE Intern Assignment)

Developed a log ingestor system that can efficiently handle vast volumes of log data, and offer a simple interface for querying this data using full-text search or specific field filters.

Both the systems (the log ingestor and the query interface) has been built using flask , HTML , CSS & Javascript.

I am using firebase realtime database for storing the logs and provided the credendials for your use. If you want to use your own credendials then get the cred from firebase. Visit firebase console. Make sure you are creating project for web.

Project Overview

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 17 55 28_ae1f5e43 WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 17 55 05_7b9c6914 WhatsApp Image 2024-05-14 at 17 54 11_d5d9f961

Quick Start (Steps to Run this project)

Here are some steps to run this project:

  1. Clone the project ( open new terminal on your VSCode)
git clone https://github.com/Ashutosh-aditya/chat-360-task
  1. Make Virtual Environment for this project (optional)
python -m venv venv
  1. Start Virtual Environment (if setup virtual enviroment)
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the project
python main.py
  1. Open localhost in browser
  1. To Populate the logs
  1. To filter logs
  1. To filter Multiple logs