Re-creating the magic of Simple Synth! But, on WebKit!
A modern WebKit browser that implements the WebAudio APIs
This uses WebKit's webaudio APIs, which comes with stuff like Oscillators and what not.
- Include JQuery, probably from the google hosted libraries
<script src="//"></script>
- Include StupidSimpleSynth.js
<script src="SimpleSynth.js"> </script>
- For the moment, frequencies are hard coded in, so, if you want to enter a custom frequency (looking at you, microtonal music enthusiasts), all you have to do is add
var Note_name = new note("NoteName", MIDINote, frequency);
to SimpleSynth.js
The default behaviour is to take the ID attribute from a div or button with the class "key".
- Create a button with class "key" and ID as your note name
<button class="key" id="A4"> A4 </button>
Open the page on Chrome/Safari and press the button. A sine wave should be generated with that.
To get you started with your WebAudio geekery.
MIT License. Yeah!