A passionate, enthusiastic coder exploring her path in development. Likes to experiment with different project ideas ranging from Html/CSS/JavaScript to React.
Pinned Repositories
Checkout my portfolio made with HTML, CSS, Javascript featuring my work! The website is fully responsive and has smooth scroll effects, animation, interactive forms and more.
A landing page inspired by Apple's homepage. Key features include Autoplaying videos, image carousel built from scratch,responsive design on all screens, collapsible navbar, and a clean UI
Hey Guys, welcome to my Github profile.
A capstone project for a cafe's website that features their products and allows to purchase them. Collections include carousels, bootstrap forms, multiple page layout and responsive design.
A website that displays images from unsplash's api and displays the images in a grid. The grid is responsive and switches to a row layout on mobile devices
A React.Js project that features a search engine filtering user cards. Uses functional components, useState, useEffect and destructuring.
A netflix clone built with React.js and Tailwind CSS. Key features include: Authentication, Sign in/Sign out, Movie and series list, Ability to save movies to your watchlist, Firebase storage.
Random color generator built with html, css, javascript which generates random colors with the rgb value that you can copy to your clipboard.
A full-stack e-commerce shopping web app built with react.js, sass and firebase. Key features include: State management, real-time cart changes, authentication, firebase storage, reusable components, and a responsive design.
Ashvarya007's Repositories
Checkout my portfolio made with HTML, CSS, Javascript featuring my work! The website is fully responsive and has smooth scroll effects, animation, interactive forms and more.
A capstone project for a cafe's website that features their products and allows to purchase them. Collections include carousels, bootstrap forms, multiple page layout and responsive design.
A React.Js project that features a search engine filtering user cards. Uses functional components, useState, useEffect and destructuring.
Random color generator built with html, css, javascript which generates random colors with the rgb value that you can copy to your clipboard.
A landing page inspired by Apple's homepage. Key features include Autoplaying videos, image carousel built from scratch,responsive design on all screens, collapsible navbar, and a clean UI
Hey Guys, welcome to my Github profile.
A website that displays images from unsplash's api and displays the images in a grid. The grid is responsive and switches to a row layout on mobile devices
A netflix clone built with React.js and Tailwind CSS. Key features include: Authentication, Sign in/Sign out, Movie and series list, Ability to save movies to your watchlist, Firebase storage.
A full-stack e-commerce shopping web app built with react.js, sass and firebase. Key features include: State management, real-time cart changes, authentication, firebase storage, reusable components, and a responsive design.
A Quote generator project which shows random movie and tv quotes that are sourced via a local file. The project allows you to add favourite quotes and also supports a dark mode which you can toggle on and off.