
This notebook is part of the ECE763 final course project focusing on self-supervised learning (SSL). The primary objectives are to implement two self-supervised contrastive learning methods and compare the representations learned via SSL with those from a supervised baseline.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This notebook is part of the ECE763 final course project focusing on self-supervised learning (SSL). The primary objectives are to implement two self-supervised contrastive learning methods and compare the representations learned via SSL with those from a supervised baseline.


Self-supervised learning aims to learn useful data representations from unlabeled data, which can then be fine-tuned for specific tasks like classification. This approach is beneficial because it allows the use of large datasets without the need for manual labeling, making it cost-effective and efficient.

Libraries and Imports

The notebook uses Python 3, Following are several standard libraries necessary for data processing, visualization, and machine learning tasks:

  • Standard Libraries: os, copy, json, math, random, numpy, time
  • Plotting Libraries: matplotlib, seaborn
  • Progress Bar: tqdm

Implementation Details

The notebook contains detailed code cells implementing the SimSiam self-supervised learning method. Below is an overview of the key sections and their purposes:

1. Data Preparation:

  • Loading datasets such as CIFAR-10.
  • Preprocessing steps including normalization and augmentation.

2. Model Architecture:

  • Defining the SimSiam architecture using PyTorch or a similar framework.
  • Implementing the backbone network (e.g., ResNet) and the projection head.

3. Training Loop:

  • Implementing the training loop with contrastive loss calculation.
  • Using techniques such as learning rate scheduling, gradient clipping, and checkpointing.

4. Evaluation:

  • Comparing the performance of the SSL method with supervised learning baselines.
  • Visualization of learned representations using techniques like t-SNE.

5. Results and Analysis:

  • Presenting quantitative results (accuracy, loss curves).
  • Qualitative analysis of the learned representations.