In this folder, there will be added the algorithm projects carried out during the second year of our Fullstack specialization at holberton school. Theses are algorithm projects in order to be prepared for technicals interview.
You have n number of locked boxes in front of you. Each box is numbered sequentially from 0 to n - 1 and each box may contain keys to the other boxes. Write a method that determines if all the boxes can be opened. (python)
Write a function in C that inserts a number into a sorted singly linked list.
- **Prototype**: `listint_t *insert_node(listint_t **head, int number)`;
- **Return**: `the address of the new node, or NULL if it failed`
Write a function in C that creates a binary tree node:
- **Prototype**: `binary_tree_t *binary_tree_node(binary_tree_t *parent, int value)`;
- **Return**: `a pointer to the new node, or NULL if it failed`;
Write a function in C that inserts a value into a Max Binary Heap:
- **Prototype**: `heap_t *heap_insert(heap_t **root, int value)`;
- **Return**: `the address of the inserted node, or NULL if it failed`;
In a text file, there is a single character H. Your text editor can execute only two operations in this file: Copy All and Paste. Given a number n, write a method that calculates the fewest number of operations needed to result in exactly n H characters in the file. Be smart about how you utilize the memory! (python)
Write a function in C that computes the sum of two sandpiles
- **Prototype**: `void sandpiles_sum(int grid1[3][3], int grid2[3][3])`;
- Each element of the grid represents the number of sand grains in that cell. Adding the sandpiles must be done according to specific rules, and the final result should be a stable sandpile.
Write a function in C that checks if a singly linked list is a palindrome.
- **Prototype**: `int is_palindrome(listint_t **head)`;
- **Return**: `0 if it is not a palindrome, 1 if it is a palindrome`
- An empty list is considered a palindrome
Write a Python script that reads stdin line by line and computes metrics.
- Input format: `<IP Address> - [<date>] "GET /projects/260 HTTP/1.1" <status code> <file size>` (if the format is not this one, the line must be skipped)
- After every 10 lines and/or a keyboard interruption (`CTRL + C`), print these statistics from the beginning:
- Total file size: `File size: <total size>`.
- Number of lines by status code in ascending order.
The goal of this task is to reproduce the 2048 game(NSFW !!) mechanics on a single horizontal line.
Write a function that slides and merges an array of integers.
- Prototype: int slide_line(int *line, size_t size, int direction)
- Return: 1 if the operation was successful, 0 if it failed
- direction
is either SLIDE_LEFT
The N queens puzzle is the python challenge of placing N non-attacking queens on an N×N chessboard. Write a program that solves the N queens problem.
Write, in C, a function that builds an AVL tree from an array
- Prototype: avl_t *sorted_array_to_avl(int *array, size_t size)
- Return: a pointer to the root node of the created AVL tree, or NULL on failure
- array
is a pointer to the first element of the array to be converted
Write a function, in C, that checks if a singly linked list has a cycle in it.
- Prototype: int check_cycle(listint_t *list)
- Return: 0 if there is no cycle, 1 if there is a cycle
Write, in C, a function that checks whether or not a given unsigned integer is a palindrome.
- Prototype: int is_palindrome(unsigned long n)
- Return: 1 if n is a palindrome, and 0 otherwise
- You are not allowed to allocate memory dynamically (malloc, calloc, …)
Write a method that determines if a given data set represents a valid UTF-8 encoding.
- Prototype: def validUTF8(data)
- Return: True if data is a valid UTF-8 encoding, else return False
Write a C function that draws a 2D Menger Sponge
- Prototype: void menger(int level)
- Where level
is the level of the Menger Sponge to draw
- If level
is lower than 0
, your function must do nothing
Write a function that searches for a value in a sorted skip list of integers, in C.
- Prototype:
skiplist_t *linear_skip(skiplist_t *list, int value)
- Where
is a pointer to the head of the skip list to search in - Return:
a pointer on the first node where value is located
Write a JS script that prints all characters of a Star Wars movie:
- The first positional argument passed is the Movie ID - example: 3 = “Return of the Jedi”
- Display one character name per line in the same order as the “characters” list in the /films/ endpoint
Given a list of non-negative integers representing the heights of walls with unit width 1, as if viewing the cross-section of a relief map, calculate in Python how many square units of water will be retained after it rains.
- Prototype:
def rain(walls)
- Return:
Integer indicating total amount of rainwater retained
Write a function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the heap sort algorithm.
- Prototype:
void heap_sort(int *array, size_t size)
- You must implement the sift-down heap sort algorithm
- You’re expected to print the array after each time you swap two elements
Write a function that searches for a value in a sorted array of integers.
- Prototype:
int advanced_binary(int *array, size_t size, int value)
- Return:
The index where value is located, or -1
Write a recursive function that queries the Reddit API, parses the title of all hot articles, and prints a sorted count of given keywords.
- Prototype:
def count_words(subreddit, word_list)
- Return:
Results printed in descending order, by the count
Write a C function that extracts the root node of a Max Binary Heap:
- Prototype:
int heap_extract(heap_t **root)
- Return:
int value stored in the root node, or O for fail
Write a C program that multiplies two positive numbers:
- Usage:
mul num1 num2
- num1 and num2 will be passed in base 10
Write a Python function that rotates a n x n 2D matrix 90 degrees clockwise:
- Prototype:
def rotate_2d_matrix(matrix)
- Do not return anything. The matrix must be edited in-place.
- You can assume the matrix will have 2 dimensions and will not be empty.
Write a function in C that finds the loop in a linked list.
- Prototype:
listint_t *find_listint_loop(listint_t *head)
- Returns:
The address of the node where the loop starts, or NULL if there is no loop
Write a C function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Merge Sort algorithm:
- Prototype:
void merge_sort(int *array, size_t size)
- You must implement the top-down merge sort algorithm
- When you divide an array into two sub-arrays, the size of the left array should always be <= the size of the right array. i.e. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} -> {1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}
- Sort the left array before the right array
Given a pile of coins of different values, write a Python funtion to determine the fewest number of coins needed to meet a given amount total.
- Prototype:
def makeChange(coins, total)
- Return:
fewest number of coins needed to meet total
- If
or less, return0
- If
cannot be met by any number of coins you have, return-1
- If
Create the source file 0-add_node.c
that contains the following functions:
- Add a new node to the end of a double circular linked list:
- Prototype:
List *add_node_end(List **list, char *str)
: the list to modifystr
: the string to copy into the new node- Return:
Address of the new node, or NULL on failure
- Prototype:
- Add a new node to the beginning of a double circular linked list:
- Prototype:
List *add_node_begin(List **list, char *str)
: the list to modifystr
: the string to copy into the new node- Return:
Address of the new node, or NULL on failure
- Prototype:
Write a function that sorts an array of integers in ascending order using the Radix sort algorithm
- Prototype:
void radix_sort(int *array, size_t size)
- You must implement the LSD radix sort algorithm
- You’re expected to print the
each time you increase yoursignificant digit
Write a C function that checks if a binary tree is a valid AVL Tree
- Prototype:
int binary_tree_is_avl(const binary_tree_t *tree)
- Return
1 if tree is a valid AVL Tree, and 0 otherwise