Lost in Gravity


Game Engine : p5js

Installation instruction : None, can be played in browser

During a critical space mission to an mysterious planet, spaceship of out brace explorer crashed into the planet. Our genious explorer ejected at last moment and lost in outer space. Only hope left is the planet which can now be controled by our explorer. Our explorer tries to go near the planet but it was poisonous. As our explorer is very genius, he thought he can go back to earth using gravitation of the planet. But the control is very delicate, if the planet comes too close, our explorer will die. If the planet touches earth , posion will destroy entire human race. So, can our brave explorer can save themself or will become the enemy of own and entire earth?

How to play :

Use mouse to move living planet.

Don't touch astronaut or earth.

Avoid poisonous planet

Grab special planets to make the living planet smaller or bigger

Bring the astronaut safely to the earth

Bumping on planet or borders reduces life.