
Primary LanguagePython

OOP_Ex3 - last ex for the OOP course.

Authors: Asif Rot & Maoz Lev

File list

GraphInterface.py - Interface

DiGraph.py - GraphInterface implementation

GraphAlgoInterface.py - Interface

GraphAlgo.py - GraphAlgoInterface implementation

Readme.txt - This file

In this file, we will explain:

  • Why we chose the data structures we used in this project.
  • How we implemented the interfaces.
  • Which algorithms we used.

There are 3 parts for this excrecise:

Write a class to implement a directed weighted graph.


this class implements the simple actions that build our graph:

add node - Adding a node to the graph

remove node - Removing a node from the graph

add edge - Adding edge between two nodes (*can't update weights*)

remove edge - Remove edge between two nodes 

get_all_v - returns all the nodes in the graph

all_in_edges_of_node - returns all the nodes that are connected to the chosen node as destination. (return all src to the specific destination)

all_out_edges_of_node - returns all the nodes that are connected to the chosen node as src. (return all destinations fron the specific src)

Note: there was no need for node_data class.

The way we built the graph:

There are 2 dictionaries:

  • nodes - {key, position}
  • neighbors - {key, {key, weight}} - Every single node keeps a list of his "out nodes" (as destination)

Test class : TestDiGraph

  • In this class all the DiGraph methods are being tested.

Write a class to implement the algorithms for the directed weighted graph


this class implements the algorithms in the graph, and some other more methods:

load_from_json - Load a graph from a json file. If there is no position for some node it will be placed by a random position.
save_to_json - Save the chosen graph to a json file. It will be saved on the project package.
shortest_path - Returns the shortest path from node id1 to node id2 using Dijkstra's Algorithm.
                Return: The distance of the path, a list of the nodes ids that the path goes through.
connected_component - By using Kosaraju's algorithm, we can find the Strongly Connected Component(SCC) that the chosen node is a part of.
                      Return: The list of nodes in the SCC that the chosen node is a part of.
connected_components - By using Kosaraju's algorithm, we can find all the Strongly Connected Components(SCC) in the graph.
                       Return: A list of lists of nodes in their SCCs.
plot_graph - Plots the graph.


  1. Dijkstra's algorithm: an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph. At first, we initialize all the vertices distance to infinity. In the algorithm loop - as long as there are vertices in the queue:

    • Each neighbor of that node, will be updated to the minimal value of dist.

    • Adding the node which has the shortest distance to the queue.

For more info: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm)

  1. Kosaraju's strongly connected components algorithm is an algorithm for finding the strongly connected components (SCCs) of a directed graph.

    • The key point of the algorithm is that during the first traversal of the graph edges, vertices are prepended to the list 'List' in post-order DFS relative to the graph being explored.
    • Second, the algorithm do a post-order DFS on 'tmp_list' in order to pop the root vertices from 'List' and mark the SCCs to a list.
    • Finally, we take this list and turn it into a list of lists where every list is a SCC.

For more info: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosaraju%27s_algorithm)

Test class : TestGraphAlgo

  • In this class all the GraphAlgo methods are being tested.

Perform comparisons between this project, our last project (OOP_Ex2) and NetworkX package

In this part we ran the algorithms for comparisons:

  • shortest_path

  • connected_component

  • connected_components

    More info in the Wiki page:

    Click here