
Programatically created & completely customisable QR code scanner with animation. Animation is also customizable

Primary LanguageSwift

Customisable QR-Code Scanner

A simple qrcode scanner in swift5. Scan UI and animation used in scan view is programatically customisable.


  • QR Code Scan.
  • Scan using camera.
  • Image scan from gallery.
  • Scan view is fully customisable.
  • Scan view animation can be customisable.


  1. Download project file
  2. Find QRScanClasses folder & add the folder to your own project.
  3. Find Extensions folder & add the folder to your own project.
  4. Great !!! 👌 Now add the following code to your viewController. you can add this in viewDidLoad or any clickable @IBAction .
let scanner = QRCodeScannerController(cameraImage: UIImage(named: "ImageIcon40"),
cancelImage: UIImage(named: "cancel"), flashOnImage: UIImage(named: "Flash40"),
flashOffImage: UIImage(named: "Flash40"))

scanner.delegate = self
scanner.mode = .camera
self.present(scanner, animated: true, completion: nil)
  1. Also add this extension to your view controller. here you will get the output from scanner
extension ViewController: QRScannerCodeDelegate {
    func qrScanner(_ controller: UIViewController, scanDidComplete result: String) {
    func qrScannerDidFail(_ controller: UIViewController, error: String) {
    func qrScannerDidCancel(_ controller: UIViewController) {
        print("SwiftQRScanner did cancel")

To Customise View

  • to change the size/color of white square shape edit SquareView.swift
  • to add any button/image/view or modify check SwiftQRScannerUIView.swift.
  • to change animation check LBXScanLineAnimation.swift .

UIColorExtension.swift is used to convert hex string into UIColor.

Example: to add white color in text

let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = UIColor.colorFrom(hexString: "FFFFFF")

UIViewExtension.swift is used to add constrain programatically.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
