
Welcome to the React Weather Dashboard project! This dashboard allows users to search for current weather information by city name and view essential weather details such as temperature, humidity and wind speed.


To run the React Weather Dashboard locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone "".

  1. Navigate to the project directory:

"cd react-weather-dashboard".

  1. Install the project dependencies:

"npm install".

  1. Start the development server:

"npm start".

  1. Open "http://localhost:5173" in your browser to view the application.


Once the dashborad is running, you can use the search function to find weather information for a specific city. Simply enter the city name in the search bar and press Enter or click the search button. The dashboard will display the current weather details fo the searched city, including temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

Features Description:

. Search for current weather infomation by city name.

. Display current weather details such as temperature, humidity and wind speed.

. Responsive design for seamless viewing on different devices.

. The dashboard dynamically updates background images and icons to reflect real-time weather conditions. For example: It displays sunny backgrounds with sun icons for clear skies.

API Integration:

The React Weather Dashboard integrates with the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch current weather data based on user search queries.

Error Handling:

The dashboard handles errors gracefully, displaying informative messages to users in case of invalid search queries or API request failures.