
Helps organize your multimedia stuff

Primary LanguagePython


Read this in other languages: English, Spanish.


FileMapper software to help organize your stuff developed mainly in python 2.7

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system

Index of Contents

  1. Requirements
  1. Usage
  2. License
  3. Galung-Project


Galung-Project requires python 2.7.x and pip installer installed in your machine to be able to run install.sh.



Go to the /path/path and run install.sh, this will donwload all the modules required for the software to run propperly

Install the dependencies to be able to start the software.

$ pip install pysrt
$ pip install langdetect
$ pip install pandas
$ pip install numpy
$ pip install tvdb_api
$ pip install 

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FileMapper it's currently developing this table of plugins

Status Show Movie Anime
FileMapper Still Developing YES YES YES

Recognized Formats

Anime Format:

[< Uploader > ] : < Anime Name > : < (Episode | Ep | E | x | - ) 000 > : < Episode Name > : < Quality >

Movie Format:

< Movie Name > : < ( Year ) > : < Movie Flag > : < Quality >

Show Format:

< Show Name > : < E00S00 > : < Episode Name > : < Quality >


import filemapper as fm

def main():

TreeRoot Structure


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