
A system for regulating the operation of doors at the university based on access levels

Primary LanguageC++


A system for regulating the operation of doors at the university based on access levels

How to SetUp:

Download all files

Open the project in your lovely C++ compiler

Create your users and rooms in main.cpp


Run main

How to work:

Imagine that you are admin of the whole university, you can do whatever you want here,except delete non-guests of the university like staff or students

In my main.cpp described several scenarios of the system work to familiarization.



There is declaration of new elements of the university- users and rooms.


The class user is superclass of all participants of the university. Each User has first name, second name, his/her access level and a List of available rooms with same or lower access level.

All users have NO_LEVEL ('0' or the least) by default, because just users are non-participants.

All Users can try to open some a room by its number

1: Students

Have: GREEN ('2') access level

Information about the GPI, Amount of Scholarship and type of the grant (different types of it is declared in GrantTypes.h)

2: Professors

Have: YELLOW ('3') access level

The lab, where they are working, their own cabinet.

Professors can change the Access Level of any lecture room to get everybody enter their lecture

3: Lab Employee


YELLOW ('4') access level, The lab, where they are working.

As they are employee, director need to know when they was hired and if something wrong, he may ask they to come to his cabinet. If director is waiting for an lab employee, the employee's access level change to RED.

4: Director


RED('5') access level, his own cabinet, the coffee he wants to get and sure the question "Is the director's cabinet better than Succi's one?"

5: Admin


RED('5') access level and boolean values for IsAskingToRestartComp, LovesSneakers, AuraOfSaintAdmin

He can change any user's or room's access level

Accept entering any room for any user.

But after a call ResetTheListOfAR() of user, all admin special settings for the user would be cleaned.

6: Guest


BLUE('1') accessLevel

So, guests can not to enter any room without help except lecture and conference rooms at the first floor.


The university has 6 types of rooms, each has its own number, number of sits, the floor, and access level.

Also, they have hidden boolean parameter IsEmergency. If any room will have IsEmergency=true, all rooms would be accepted for everybody.