Task explanation:

Create a recomendation system solution for MovieLens dataset. The dataset is in the directory.


Two models are presented in the directory: One was trained in ipynb file (LightGCN) LayerGCN was trained with LayerGCN main.

The result for both models are well-described in report:

  • LightGCN: Model weights are stored in lightgcn.pth. The LightGCN notebook solution is based on Recommender Systems with GNNs in PyG. LightGCN img img
  • LayerGCN: Solution is based on GitHub, the repo structure is was too complicated to split the solution into .py and .ipynb files, therefore I modified the repo to create plots and will make pull request. For now, the modified repo version is in the folder There is no well-performed model, therefore all pretrained models are saved LayerGCN

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