
The Cutest Esolang With Doggies

Doglang 🐶

The Cutest Esolang With Doggies

Doglang is to BF what Typescript is to Javascript (in the future),

while for now it's just the same as BF (but cuter).

(BF means brainfuck btw)


Here let me introduce some cute dogs to you:

🐕 - Dog

🦮 - Guide Dog

🐶 - Dog Face

🐩 - Poodle

And they play important roles in Doglang :

Instruction Function In BF In C
"🐕" Move the pointer to the right < p++;
"🐕 " Move the pointer to the left > p--;
"🦮" Increment the memory cell at the pointer + *p++;
"🦮 " Decrement the memory cell at the pointer - *p--;
"🐶" Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer . putchar(*p);
"🐶 " Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer , *p=getchar();
"🐩" Jump past the matching 🐩 if the cell at the pointer is 0 [ while(*p){
"🐩 " Jump back to the matching 🐩 if the cell at the pointer is nonzero ] }

Hello World

🦮🐩🦮 🦮 🐕 🦮 🐩🐕 🐕 🦮🐕 🦮 🦮 🦮 🦮 🦮 🐕🐕🐩 🐕🦮 🦮 🐕🦮 🦮 🦮 🐩 🐕 🦮 🐶🐕 🐕 🐕 🦮🐶🐕 🐕 🐶🐶🦮🦮🦮🐩🐶🐕 🐩 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐶🦮🦮🦮🐶🦮 🦮 🦮 🦮 🦮 🦮 🐶🐕🐕🦮 🐶🐕 🐕 🐕 🐕 🦮🐶


  • Might abandon ' '(blankspace)

  • Add more dogs like

    • 🐕‍🦺 Service Dog
    • 🐺 Wolf
  • Make it less brainfuck (also we can say, more than brainfuck)

  • Its own compiler

  • Compile Doglang to BF

    • cli version


Esolang - Esoteric programming languages

Brainfuck - One of the most famous esoteric programming languages