
An android application that can detect nearby BLE enabled devices (also known as BLE Beacons) and show its RSSI, MAC address, major, minor, and UUIDs.

Primary LanguageJava


  • @author Asim Ali Khan
  • @version 1.0 */

Beacon Capture

An android application that can detect nearby BLE enabled devices (also known as BLE Beacons/ iBeacons), and show its RSSI, MAC address, major, minor, and UUIDs.

What is BLE? Bluetooth Low Energy is a wireless personal area network technology which intends to provide considerably reduced power consumption and cost.

Things to remember: -> The app can work only on those devices which supports bluetooth technology. -> One needs to open its mobile location and bluetooth for the app to function it properly. -> The app will itself ask your permission to access location and turn on the bluetooth.

How does it work: -> Clone the repository in your local directory. -> Run it on a local device rather than an emulator as Android Studio AVDs doesn't support BLE Technology. -> Once the app is installed on your android smartphone, it will ask to access your location. -> Allow it to access your location and also turn on your location feature. -> Click on the start scan button. -> It may ask to turn on the bluetooth. -> Once you have turned on the bluetooth it will start scanning the nearby BLE enabled devices also known as beacons. -> It will detect only those beacons/ bluetooth devices which have a name associated with it. -> It will detect the devices and show it in a list with the device's RSSI, UUID, Name, MAC address, major, and minor. -> The app will not stop scanning until you press the button again. -> Signal Strength is fixed at -100