
Full-stack CRUD app built using NextJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Preview

Table of Content

1. Folder Structures

|   \---api
|       \---employees
|   +---actions
|   +---reducers
|   \---sagas

2. Libraries & Frameworks

Name Description
NextJS The React Framework for Production.
ReactJS A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Redux A Predictable State Container for JS Apps.
Redux Saga A middleware used to handle side effects in Redux.
React Hook Form Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
Mongoose Elegant mongodb object modeling for node.js

3. Installation & Set Up

  1. Install project dependencies
  yarn install or npm install
  1. Add environment variables on your .env.local
  1. Start the development server
  yarn dev or npm run dev
  1. Build for production
  yarn build or npm run build
  1. Run production mode
  yarn start or npm start

4. License

MIT © Roldan Montilla Jr