
Mistakes are outdated.😬

Primary LanguageC++

Auto-Case Download Auto-Case

Download Auto-Case

What It Does❓

  • Ever typed something in wrong case (UPPER/LOWER), yes!
  • So,all you can do is press backspace all the way and again retype your words
  • Do no more, Auto-Case does the work for you all one key press away.
  • Auto-Case is a script wriiten in C++ that converts your mistake into perfection.
  • Or in simple terms it converts LowerCase ↔ UpperCase
  • With the help of native Windows methods and of course the G.O.A.T C++ anything is possible

Built On 🛠


  • Auto-Case works heavily with clipboard methods, most of the times there is no cross-platform way of doing this as diffrent OS provide diffrent way of interacting with its system components i.e (Clipboard component in here)
  • C++ works best for this kind of project , having target platform as Windows which provides Win32 wrapper for C++ making interaction with clipboard, keyboard, windowState all easy to connect with C++

How It Works🤔


  • Copy the text you want to change case


  • Press RCTRL KEY ,and there you go its done.

How To Contribute🤝

  • Yes,it is open source you can clone and change code to your need.
  • Most of the code is self explanatory, anyhow
  • for any clarification on code or want to contribute contact
  • Gmail / Twitter /LinkedIn