This is an inventory management software built in Java using MySQL database that can be used at any Point of Sale of a small to mid-sized store.
- 2010030550
- AlfiZain
- alicelmxboston
- anjasamarATSiCorp
- ariward
- ashinpaul
- bharathkumaraChennai, India
- erlangs
- Hardik-creator108
- Ihsaan-gk
- imalixchPakistan
- JeremiahNjorogeConsultants in Information Technology
- JeremyBenedicto
- MagdaEhab
- mahinxander
- maugus0New Delhi
- muhammedelibrahim
- Nitish-Goswami
- pheyth15Philippines
- RahimBanglaHomePay LLC
- rahulnits31Guwahati
- Rhontraxx
- Riyajayachandran
- shamsheermuhamed
- Sharonnova
- spelt-coderAccra, Ghana
- SrishtiSingh2001Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh India
- swatteam1TSU
- Taounit
- tendayimakwaraUniversity of Cape Town
- vallab388
- vestigegroupvcs
- VictorBitt15
- workspace-co
- Yiming0576New York