
Reqman is a postman killer ;-)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

reqman (2.X)

Reqman is a postman killer ;-)

Reqman is a postman killer. It shares the same goal, but without GUI ... the GUI is simply your favorite text editor, because requests/tests are only simple yaml files. Reqman is a command line tool, available on any platforms.

Video (1minute)

All configurations is done via simple yaml files, editable with any text editors. Results are displayed in console and in an html output. It's scriptable, and can be used as a daemon/cron task to automate your tests.


Changelog !

Online tool to convert swagger/openapi3, OR postman collections to reqman's tests



  • Light (simple py3 file, 1800 lines of code, and x3 lines for unittests, in TDD mind ... cov:95%)
  • Powerful (at least as postman free version)
  • tests are simple (no code !)
  • Variable pool
  • can create(save)/re-use variables per request
  • "procedures" (declarations & re-use/call), local or global
  • Environment aware (switch easily)
  • https/ssl ok (bypass)
  • http 1.0, 1.1, 2.0
  • support HTTP(S)_PROXY environment variables
  • headers inherits
  • tests inherits
  • timed requests + average times
  • html tests renderer (with request/response contents)
  • encoding aware
  • cookie handling
  • color output in console (when colorama is present)
  • variables can be computed/transformed (in a chain way)
  • tests files extension : .yml or .rml (ReqManLanguage)
  • generate conf/rml (with 'new' command)
  • can paralleliz tests (option --p)
  • versionning
  • NEW 2.0 :
    • rewrite from scratch, a lot stronger & speeder !
    • advanced save mechanisms
    • new switches system
    • a lot of new options (auto open browser, set html filename, compare, ...)
    • ability to save the state, to compare with newer ones
    • ability to replay given tests (rmr file)
    • dual mode : compare switches vs others switches (-env1 +env2) in html output
    • shebang mode
    • better html output
    • fully compatible with reqman1 conf/ymls
    • xml/xpath support tests

Getting started : installation

If you are on an *nix platform, you can start with pip :

$ pip3 install reqman

it will install the reqman script in your path (perhaps, you'll need to Add the path ~/.local/bin to the PATH environment variable.)

If you are on microsoft windows, just download reqman.exe (v2). The old v1 reqman.exe, is still there, and add it in your path.

Getting started : let's go

Imagine that you want to test the json api from pypi.org, to verify that it finds me ;-) (if you are on windows, just replace reqman with reqman.exe)

You can start a new project in your folder, like that:

$ reqman new https://pypi.org/pypi/reqman/json

It's the first start ; it will create a conf file reqman.conf and a (basic) test file 0010_test.rml. Theses files are YAML, so ensure that your editor understand them ! (Following 'new' command will just create another fresh rml file if a reqman.conf exists)

Now, you can run/test it :

$ reqman .

It will scan your folder "." and run all test files (*.rml or *.yml) against the reqman.conf ;-)

It will show you what's happened in your console. And generate a reqman.html with more details (open it to have an idea)!

If you edit the reqman.conf, you will see :

root: https://pypi.org
    User-Agent: reqman (https://github.com/manatlan/reqman)

the root is a special var which will be prependded to all relative urls in your requests tests. the headers (which is a special var too) is a set of http headers which will be added to all your requests.

Change it to, and save it :

root: https://pypi.org
    User-Agent: reqman (https://github.com/manatlan/reqman)

        root: https://test.pypi.org

Now, you have created your first switch. And try to run your tests like this:

$ reqman.py . -test

It will run your tests against the root defined in test section ; and the test is KO, because reqman doesn't exist on test.pypi.org ! In fact; all declared things under test will replace those at the top ! So you can declare multiple environments, with multiple switches !

But you can declare what you want, now edit reqman.conf like this :

root: https://pypi.org
    User-Agent: reqman (https://github.com/manatlan/reqman)

package: reqman

        root: https://test.pypi.org

You have declared a var package ! let's edit the test file 0010_test.rml like this :

- GET: /pypi/<<package>>/json
    - status: 200

Now, your test will use the package var which was declared in reqman.conf ! So, you can create a switch to change the package thru the command line, simply edit your reqman.conf like that :

root: https://pypi.org
    User-Agent: reqman (https://github.com/manatlan/reqman)

package: reqman

        root: https://test.pypi.org

        package: colorama

Now, you can check that 'colorama' exists on pypi.org, like that :

$ reqman . -colorama

And you can check that 'colorama' exists on test.pypi.org, like that :

$ reqman . -colorama -test

As you can imagine, it's possible to make a lot of fun things easily. (see a more complex reqman.conf)

Now, you can edit your rml file, and try the things available in this tuto. Organize your tests as you want : you can make many requests in a rml file, you can make many files with many requests, you can make folders which contain many rml files. Reqman will not scan sub-folders starting with "_" or ".".

reqman will return an exit code which contains the number of KO tests : 0 if everything is OK, or -1 if there is a trouble (tests can't be runned) : so it's easily scriptable in your automated workflows !

Use and abuse !