
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A startup company called Sparkify provides music streaming to the users through the application. The songs details and the user activity data from the application are currently available and stored in the format of JSON.

If Sparkify wants to analyze the user's daily activities and provide future song recommendations, that would be very tough to query for the analysis and future recommendations from the JSON files. As the data goes increasing every day from Bytes to GBs and even more difficult for processing and analyzing the data with the JSON files.

Instead of storing the generated data from the user into the JSON files, I would recommend a database which is widely used for modeling techniques and it helps in the fast retrieval of data. This can be made even more efficient with the approach of the STAR schema.

The STAR schema consists of one fact table referencing any number of dimension tables which helps the Sparkify for solving simplified common business logic.

  • What is the next song Sparkify user would like to listen based on his past behavior.
  • which song user would be more interested in listening to that particular point of time.

And much more complex business logics can be easily solved using the STAR schema method.

Created a STAR schema, optimized for song play analysis.

  • Fact Table: songplays: attributes referencing to the dimension tables.
  • Dimension Tables: users, songs, artists and time table.

This database will help the internal departments of the Sparkify company to do different kinds of analysis to recommend a Sparkify user.

  • Favorite songs of user based on the week day: By joining songplay and songs and user table based on level.
  • Recent listened to songs: By joining songplays and user table can show recommendation on the app based on subscription level.
  • Can help in recommending most popular songs of the day/week.


  1. Created songs, artist dimension tables from extracting songs_data by selected columns.
  2. Created users, time dimension tables from extracting log_data by selected columns.
  3. Created the most important table fact table from the dimensison tables and log_data called songplays.


Install PostgreSQL database drivers by using the below command

pip install psycopg2


  1. sql_queries.py: contains all SQL queries of the project and this file can be used in multiple files.

  2. create_tables.py: run this file after writing for creating tables for the project.

    Libraries used:

    import psycopg2
    from sql_queries import create_table_queries, drop_table_queries

    Functions and its importance:

    create_database: This function helps in droping existing database, create new database and return the connection.

    drop_tables: Used to drop the existing tables.

    create_tables: This helps in creating above mentioned fact table and dimension tables.

  3. etl.ipynb: reads and processes a single file from song_data and log_data and loads the data into your tables. This notebook contains detailed instructions on the ETL process for each of the tables.

  4. etl.py: read and process files from song_data and log_data and load them to tables.

    Libraries used:

    import os
    import glob
    import psycopg2
    import pandas as pd
    from sql_queries import *
    import json

    Functions and its importance:

    process_song_file: This function is used to read the song file and insert details with selected columns into song and artist dimension table.

    process_log_file: read one by one log file and insert details with selected columns into user, time and songplays tables.

    process_data: collect all the file paths and call the above two function and show status of files processed.

    main: used to call the process_data function.

  5. test.py: displays the first few rows of each table to let you check your database.

execute files in the below order each time before pipeline.

  1. create_tables.py
       $ python3 create_tables.py
  2. etl.ipynb/et.py
       $ python3 etl.py
  3. test.ipynb