It's not easy to detemine the stop words, and in other hand, stop words differs according to the case, for this purpos, we propose a classified list which can be parametered by developper.
The Word list contains only wonds in its commun forms, and we have generated all forms by a script.
- data/ : contains data of stopwords
- data/classified/stopwords.ods: data in LibreOffice format with more valuble informations, and classified stopwords
- docs: docs files
- scripts: scripts used to generate all forms, and file formats
All forms data .ODS/CSV file
- 1st field : unvocalised word ( في)
- 2nd field : unvocalised stemmed word with -'-' between affixes: e.g. ف-ب-خمسين-ي
Minimal classified data .ODS/CSV file
- 1st field : unvocalised word ( في)
- 2nd field : type of the word: e.g. حرف
- 3rd field : class of word : e.g. preposition
Affixation infomration in other fields:
- 4th field : AIN in arabic , if word accept Conjuction 'العطف', '*' else
- 5th field : TEH in arabic , if word accept definate article 'ال التعريف', '*' else
- 6th field : JEEM in arabic , if word accept preposition article 'حروف الجر المتصلة', '*' else
- 7th field : DAD in arabic , if word accept IDAFA articles 'الضمائر المتصلة', '*' else
- 7th field : SAD in arabic , if word accept verb conjugation articles 'التصريف', '*' else
- 8th field : LAM in arabic , if word accept LAM QASAM articles 'لام القسم', '*' else
- 8th field : MEEM in arabic , if word has ALEF LAM as definition article 'معرف', '*' else
- check the minimal form data file (stopwords.csv)
- comment by "#" all words which you don't need
- run
- catch the output of script in releases folder.
- check if the word doesn't exist in the minimal form data file ( classified/stopwords.ods)
- add affixation information
- run
- catch the output of script in releases folder.