
REST API from pixabay.com. The app will retrieve information from the website and display it in various view types. The app implemented using MVVM Architecture

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Image Gallery

Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2

MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure

Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview


Customizing Toolbar Behaviors with CoordinatorLayout and AppBarLayout

Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData

Displaying Images using Glide



Passing data between activities using intent extras

Executors and Background Threads


Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)

I publish it for learning purpose you can check it out:


Screenshot_20190419-221340_ImageGallery Screenshot_20190419-221328_ImageGallery Screenshot_20190419-221125_ImageGallery