
CS302 Data Structures , UNR : Implementation of a binary node tree

Primary LanguageC++

Hello, and thank you for reading this Readme file 

The file directories are set up as follows

src -- where the source files go, class implementations and exercises are found here. 

headers -- headers for the abstractions, class declarations are here.

build -- object files, executables, makefile and shells.
    All building shall be done from this file 
    building shall be done with the Linux make system

make -- 
    to make simply type  " make " 
    to clean type        " make clean"

    make clean will remove all objects and executables in the build directory.
Documenation -- contains the report file, and text output files
			ReportFile.docx -- contains the screenshots and descriptions of the program being run and shows the output
			output.txt -- was meant to show the output of all selections but ran out of time, commented out a test statement, so it will print the traversals into the file, it doesn't have clean spacing and may
                            be hard to read.

	CLASS: 		Cs302
	Professor	Dr. Kostas Alexis
    DATE: 		2018-11-29
    AUTHOR: 	Shawn Ray