LN Filestore Front-end

LN Filestore Front-end provides a web application to buy and/or sell files through the Lightning network.

The front-end relies on the LN Filestore server and is mainly intended to be used as an umbrel app.

It is built with NextJS and React.


Default port for the application is 9999.

You can use a docker image to run the application :

x86 processors :

docker run akbarworld/lnfilestorefront

arm64 processors :

docker run akbarworld/lnfilestorefront:umbrel

If you want to run it on a docker-compose you can find an example in my umbrel-apps fork.


You can also build yourself the application and run it directly.

On host

yarn install && yarn build

host serve

yarn serve


yarn dev

Build through docker :

Docker build .

API Reference

See the server's route documentation