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L65 Project Repository

Forked from AI4UA repository and uses the code from Global Explainability of GNNs via Logic Combination of Learned Concepts repo to implement GLGExplainer.

Repository for the L65 Geometric Deep Learning mini-project completed by Luke Braithwaite and Matthew Hattrup during Lent term 2024.


  • pytorch
  • pytorch-geometric
  • networkx
  • numpy

Torch geometric installation

Follow instructions in https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/installation.html.

pip install torch_geometric

pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.13.0+cu117.html

Running the code

The pipeline consists of the following steps all of which can be performed using the cli included in main.py. They are:

  1. Generating the lattice dataset.
  2. Training the GNN to classify the lattice properties you would like.
  3. Training a local explanation extractor to generate the explanation subgraphs from the input lattices.
  4. Train GLGExplainer to use the extracted local explanations.

Generating the lattice dataset

This can be performed by running the file gnn4Uua/datasets/runner. Currently the CLI does not support this operation.

Training the GNNs

Run the following command to train the GNNs on each task

python main.py train-gnns

Extracting local explanations

Run the following to extract the local explanations using GNNExplainer

python main.py extract-motifs --task=Distributive --generalisation_mode=strong --seed=102 --n_epochs=100

Training GLGExplainer

Run the following command to train GLGExplainer on a specific task

python main.py train-explainer --task=Distributive --generalisation_mode=strong --seed=102