
Error in MDF step for pathways to Bisphenol A (C13624)

Asplund-Samuelsson opened this issue · 1 comments

61 pathways were generated to Bisphenol A (C13624), but POPPY crashed in the MDF step, displaying this error:

Performing pathway MDF analysis...  61/61 100.0% 
Warning message: 
In min(df$MDF[df$MDF > 0], na.rm = T) : 
  no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 
Warning message: 
In max(df$MDF[df$MDF > 0], na.rm = T) : 
  no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf 
Error in seq.default(min_MDF, max_MDF, length.out = 5) : 
  'from' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite 
Calls: seq -> seq.default 
Execution halted 

The following options were used with

-d 6 -r 8 --shallow

This was an issue with plotting summary figures for the pathway HTML output. The bug was fixed in 6f919fa by adding handling of cases where there are zero feasible pathways.