Introduction to C++ utilities and understanding the basics of C++98. Overall 10 CPP projects starting with easy utilities and moving to advanced STL libraries towards the end.

Primary LanguageC++


Introduction to C++ utilities and understanding the basics of C++98. Overall 10 CPP projects starting with easy utilities and moving to advanced STL libraries towards the end. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Asrasal47/CPP.git

Navigate to the directory:

cd CPP/<CPPmodule> && make


To start the program, run the following command.



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This project contains 10 modules on the fundamentals of C++.

Module 00

namespace, stdio stream, class & instance, member attributes & functions, non-member attributes & functions, this pointer, initialization list, static, const, accessor/getters, class vs. struct

Module 01

new and delete, references, file streams, lifetime, scope

Module 02

Ad-hoc polymorphism/function overload, operators overload, canonical classes, copy constructor

Module 03

inheritance, access specifier, multiple inheritance, the diamond problem

Module 04

subtype polymorphism, abstract classes, interfaces, virtual keyword

Module 05

repetition and exceptions

Module 06

static_cast, dynamic_cast, reintepretate_cast, const_cast

Module 07

templates (function & class)

Module 08 and 09

STL containers and algorithms