jcalc is an expression evaluater library with similar sintax to excel
import calc from "jcalc";
//simple expression
calc("(1+2)^2") //-> 9
//fornecing variables
calc("a+b*c",{vars:{a:1,b:2,c:3}}) //-> 7
//fornecing formulas
calc("upper('hello')",{fn:{upper:v=>v.toUpperCase()}}) //-> "HELLO"
//string concat
calc("'hello '&w&'!'",{ vars:{w:"World"}}) // -> "hello world!"
// when concat null and undefined will result empty string
calc("fname&' '&lname",{ vars:{fname:"Asriel"}}) // -> "Asriel "
npm i jcalc
yarn install jcalc
import calc, { addFormulas } from "jcalc";
calc("sum(1,2)") // -> 3
import calc, { consts } from "jcalc";
consts.PI = 3.14;
consts.E = 2.718;
calc("PI*2") // -> 6.28
calc("PI+E") // -> 5.858
here on vars
options we pass a function that will be called for each variable found in the expression
import calc from "jcalc";
calc("a1-b1+a2-b2",{vars:v=>v[0]=="a"?2:1}) // -> 2-1+2-1 -> 2
if pass the option uncase
all variable and formulas will be lower or upper depend what value been passed
import calc from "jcalc";
calc("FirstName&' '&LastName",{
vars:{ fistname:"Asriel", lastname:"Santos" },
//l=all variable will be lower cased
uncase: 'l'
});// -> fistname&' '&lastname -> 'Asriel Santos'
calc("x+y+z", {
vars: { X:10, Y:20, Z:30 },
//u=all variable will be upper cased
});// -> X+Y+Z -> 60
import calc, { addFormulas } from "jcalc";
let vars = { A1:10, A7:12, A9:2, B10:20 };
SUM: v => v.reduce((a,b)=>a+b,0)
calc("SUM(A3:B12)",{ vars }) // -> SUM([A7,A9,B10]) -> SUM([12,2,20]) -> 34
import calc, { addFormulas } from "jcalc";
map: fn => [1,2,3,4].reduce(fn)
calc("map((v)=>v*2)") // -> [2,4,6,8]
get all variables inside an expression
import {parse} from "jcalc";
let exp = parse("'Users login is '&login&' and password is'&pw");
let vars = exp.vars() // -> ["login","pw"]
//if pw is in the expression throw an error
throw "can't access user's password";
import { parse, analyze, Var } from "jcalc";
let exp = parse("(a+b+c+d)*2");
analyze(exp, v=>{
//if found an variable change it src(value)
if(v instanceof Var)
console.log(exp) // -> (a1+b1+c1+d1)*2
throw "can't access user's password";