
code for Kaggle Data Science challenge to classify the toxic comments

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine Learning to Identify Toxic Comments


More details of the competition can be found here:

source: kaggle


1. 01-Eda-baselines.ipynb

  • blog explaining this notebook
  • Linear models are very well suited for this problem
  • Logistic Regression is having better baseline score than any other model
  • Logistic also has an edge with lower time/space complexity compared to ensembles and also, we can impove this further by text preprocessing & hyper parameter tuning.
  • So rather than trying complex models, I will settle with linear models & will try to improve the performance using preprocessing, finetuning & feature engineering. My next target is to improve to score to more than 0.98 using only linear models.


Model Public LB Private LB Comments
Naive Bayes 0.89144 0.88520 tfidf
Logistic 0.96877 0.96534 tfidf
Linear SVM 0.95035 0.94956 tfidf
Random Forest 0.91497 0.93083 tfidf
XGB/LGB 0.91114 0.93331 tfidf


  • Finally, after lots of tries, I achevied the 0.981 using the NBLogistic (Naive Bayes + Logistic) Model on one run. With K-fold cross validation that score improved a bit to 0.9816.
  • In case of linear model, minimal proprocessing of text data (lowering, punctuations & stopwords removal) gave the better results. I tried few other pre-processings like lemmatization/emoji-conversion but didn't get good results.
  • I experimented with xgb & lgbm if they can beat the above score, but they were not anywhere near, best being only around 0.96(xgb).

Improved linear models

  • tfidf_word & tfidf_char features were concatenated.
  • regualarisation parameter is tuned.
Model Public LB Private LB Comments
Naive Bayes 0.90931 0.90696 tfidf - (words + char)
Logistic 0.97550 0.97394 tfidf - (words + char)
Linear SVM 0.96350 0.96956 tfidf - (words + char)
NBLogistic 0.97819 0.97664 tfidf - (words + char)
  • performed k-fold (5-folds) cross validation on NBLogisitc:

| NBLogistic | 0.98160 | 0.98201 | tfidf - (words + char)|

03-Embed + Gru+ Conv1d.ipynb

  • The highest score in kaggle is 0.989...I just want know what's the effort needed to improve the score to > 0.985.Here are my observations
  • Without use of pretrained embedding the scores for deep learning models are also similar to that of linear models lying around 0.98.
  • In case of deep neural net models, proprocessing of text data seem to have affect especially to cross that 0.985 barrier. I took references from this zafar's script for text pre-processing and it helped to improve my score by 0.1.
  • Experimented with glove & fasttext (300-dimiensions) embedding...especially preprocessing + fasttext embeddings helped me to take the score of the 0.9845, while the model trained with glove scored around 0.983
  • This above notebook contains the architecture on which I obtained the 0.9851 on the public leaderboard but it was down to 0.9848 on private leaderbaord.

deep neural nets

Model Public LB Private LB Comments
embed + gru 0.98104 0.97952
fasttext embed + gru 0.98334 0.97305
embed+gru+conv1d (minimal preprocess) 0.98395 0.98353
embed+gru+conv1d (regex preprocess) 0.98433 0.98402
fastext embed + gru + conv1d (regex) 0.98516 0.98486

04-Embed + BiLstm.ipynb

  • With architecture in the above notebook I crossed my target of 0.9850 on both on the public and private leaderbaords.
  • blending & stacking predictions of different models whose correlation is low. And these are few references I followed to do the same
Model Public LB Private LB Comments
fasttext embed+Lstm 0.98390 0.98307
fasttext embed+2xBiLstm (minimal process) 0.98459 0.98443
fasttext embed+2xBiLstm (regex preprocess) 0.98581 0.98550
  • And The Best score was mean roc_auc of 0.98619 (Public LB) & 0.98602 (Private LB) from the ensemble of predictions from 7 different models & best single model is based on the Bidirectional LSTM with fasttext pretrained embeddings.

what top scorers have done differently:

The below mentioned techniques although not very significant, known to increased scores on test-set around 0.01-0.02.(high score: mean roc-auc of 0.9889)

  • Bert: This is the state of art of model for various text classification tasks. This model is mainly based on the "Transformers." & can be used for transfer learning.

  • Training for more epoch with K-Fold cross validation: Although validation score is constantly increasing...training more for 50 to 100 epcohs with early stopping gave better results to some extent (around 0.01 variation in test scores). Although the above two steps look simple to follow, Due to hardware & kaggle kernel runtime limitaions I didn't get chance to try these.

  • Back translation: A way to augument text data. They translated the train data into different languages using translation services & then back translated them again into English. This produces slightly different texts than original.

  • Test time augumentation: Same Back translation method is followed on the test data and final scores were average of predictions on different dataset variations.