🔮 PancakeSwap Prediction Winnerbot
PancakeSwap Prediction Bot using live TradingView AI recomendations. ~70% Win rate.
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Beware of SCAMS!!!!
links of Fake shit:
Fake Copy!!!!!!
https://github.com/PancakeSwapAIBot/PancakeswapPredictionBot-2023 (Fake Copy is always Scam !!! Beware
Pls do not scam u...
🐰 ⚡ Installatiom
Download and Install Node here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Then run the following commands in terminal:
git clone https://github.com/AssaEmpireNew/Pancakeswap-Prediction-Winnerbot
cd pPancakeswap-Prediction-Winnerbot
npm i
⚙️ Setup
- Open the .env file with any code/text editor and add your private key like so:
- Open the bot.js file and setup the following variables:
BET_AMOUNT: 5, // Amount of each bet (In USD)
DAILY_GOAL: 20, // Total profit you are aiming to earn (In USD)
BNB MIN. 0.2 BNB // MIN Value for the Bot
- Start the bot using
npm start
oryarn start
🔮 Enjoy!
🔓 How to convert seed phrase to Private Key
A lot of wallets don't provide you the private key, but just the seed phrase ( 12 words ). So here you will learn how to convert that to a private key:
🤖 📈 Strategy
- The bot take a series of recomendations given by Trading View and proccess them together with the tendency of the rest of people betting. After the algorithm have complete, it choose to bet
🟢 UP or🔴 DOWN. - After all my testings in aprox 300 rounds I was able to achieve a ~70% Win rate. Of course it depends of a lot of variables, so I can't ensure that you will reproduce the same behavior. But I can tell that I make $20 - $70 daily with $3 Bets.
- Before every round the bot will check if you have enough balance in your wallet and if you have reached the daily goal.
- Also it will save the daily history in the /history directory.
- Be aware that after consecutive losses, statistically you have more chances to win in the next one.
- Inside bot.js in the
property ofGLOBAL_CONFIG
variable, you can configure the minimum certainty with which the bot will bet. For default it's set to 50, which means that from 50% certainty the bot will bet. You can raise it (50-100) to bet only when the bot is more sure about its prediction. - Its recomendable to have x10 - x50 the amount of bet to have an average of rounds.
✔️ To Do
- USD Based bet
- Show real time profit
- Show real time win rate
- Daily goal profit
- Simplify settings
- Stop loss
- Auto collect winnings
- AI Driven bot
👁️ Disclaimers
We accept no liability for any loss resulting from inaccuracy or incompleteness, nor for any loss incurred or dissemination of information through the Internet, such as disruptions or interruptions. When using web forms, we strive to minimize the number of fields used. NewAssaEmpire shall not be liable for any loss arising out of the use of any data, advice or ideas recommended or derived from Winnerbot.
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