
Tanki X server

Primary LanguageC#



You have to use client from tankix.tgz archive, otherwise you will get "Invalid packet magic: 47-45" exception

Building and running


  1. dotnet build TXServerConsole
  2. cd TXServerConsole/bin/Debug/net5.0


  • TXServerConsole.exe --run <address> <port> <max players>
  • 10 maximum players: TXServerConsole.exe --run 5050 10
  • Loopback, 5 maximum players: TXServerConsole.exe --run 5050 5

Server configuration

All server configs are located in TXServer/Library directory.

  • BlueprintContainers.json - Blueprints drop rate from the blueprint containers
  • Config.json (#master branch) - Deprecated SQLite database configuration
  • Database.json (#database branch) - MySQL database configuration
  • HeightMaps.json - Map height maps, used for calculating correct position on flag drop (images are located in TXServer/Library/HeightMaps directory)
  • ServerMapInfo.json:
    • Flag positions
    • Spawn points
    • Teleport points
    • Bonus points
  • TemplateByConfigPath.json - ConfigPath to Template mapping


Message structure

Every message consists of 5 parts:

  • Signature
  • OptionalMap length in bits
  • Data length in bytes
  • OptionalMap
  • Actual data


Contains { 0xFF, 0x00 } bytes. This is the only thing that can be used in bound checking.


OptionalMap must be read in left-to-right order.
Bit is set when corresponding encoded item is null, not set when it is not null.

Property nullability defined with:

  • [ProtocolOptional] attribute on properties
  • Optional<T> type
  • OptionalTypeCodec type in code

Server supports nullable properties with [OptionalMapped] attribute.


Every encoded data type must have appropriate type derived from Codec interface and be registered in code (this statement currently applies only for client part).
For further information, look into Codec type and its derived types.

Data is split in commands.
Every command contains leading CommandCode enum (server implements it as [CommandCode(int)] attribute).
For further information, look into CommandCode enum & EnumCodec.

Any data contained within commands must be sorted in alphabetical order, this behaviour can be overridden by [ProtocolParameterOrder(int position)] attribute (server uses [ProtocolFixed(int position)] attribute).


Entity contains:

  • TemplateAccessor which contains:
    • Template type
    • ConfigPath string
  • Component list

ConfigPath contains path relative to config root.
Directory referenced by ConfigPath must contain public.yml file and this file must contain all properties referenced by corresponding Template type fields.
ConfigPath may be left empty if Template type does not reference anything.

Events can be sent to one or multiple entities.