
discord.js-casanova an open source npm package.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

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NOTE: If you're using typescript with this package and having problems please join the support server


Completely modular commands, and events.

- Reading files recursively from directories.
- Handle commands and events easily.

Command Features.

  • Cooldowns! (In seconds).
  • Utility Functions!
  • Aliases!
  • Client and Member permissions!
  • Guild, and owner only commands!
  • Nsfw commands!

Command Handler Feautres.

  • prefix - can be a string, an array, or a function!
  • defaultCooldown - The default cooldown for commands! optional.
  • ignoreCooldown - Let specific users bypass the cooldown on commands! optional.
  • strict - Weather or not to be strict on command execution optional | default=false.
  • Base Client, and Member permissions. - Check base permissions for each client and member. optional.

Command Handler Events.

  • cooldown - Emitted when a user is on cooldown.
  • commandUsed - Emitted when a user uses a command.
  • missingPermissions - Emitted when the member or client is missing permissions.
  • commandBlocked - emitted when a command is blocked due to nsfw | ownerOnly | guildOnly.

Command Handler Event paramaters

Note: command is the used command. message: is the Message object.

  • cooldown(message, command, timeLeft) note: timeLeft is in milliseconds.
  • commandUsed(message, command).
  • missingPermissions(message, command, missing, type) note: missing are the missing permissions and type is either client or member.
  • commandBlocked(message, command, reason) note: reason being "nsfw OR guildOnly OR ownerOnly"

Getting Started!

The Client

  // First we import the Client from discord.js-casanova.
  const { CasanovaClient } = require("discord.js-casanova");
  // Then we create our client!
  class Client extends CasanovaClient {
    // constructor
    constructor() {
        // super call
              // here are the Casanova Client options.
              token: "Your bot token here.",
              handlers: ["command", "event"], // this option just enables the command and event handlers if you want to use only the command handler you can just put command in the array.
              owners: [""] // The owner IDS NOTE: Required if you want to use the ownerOnly command option.
          }, {
               // Here goes your regular discord.js client options
       // This is a function to log the bot in.
      async start() {
        try {
            await this.build();
            return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
          } catch (e) {
  // Now that we've created our client let's log the bot in!
  const client = new Client();
  // Now you're bot is online!

Setting up the command handler.

Well now that we've created our client let's set up the command handler.

// First let's import The command handler from discord.js-casanova!

const { CasanovaClient, CommandHandler } = require("discord.js-casanova");

class Client extends CasanovaClient {
constructor() {
      token: "Your bot token here.",
      handlers: ["command", "event"],
      owners: [""],

  // Then inside the clients constructor create a property and name it whatever you want in this example I'm naming it "commandHandler".
  this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
      "The command folder directory the base being the main directory.",
    prefix: (message) => {
      return "+"; // Notice this function MUST return a string!
    }, // here is your prefix note this can be a string, array, or a function
    baseClientPermissions: ["Base client permissions."],
    baseMemberPermissions: ["Base member permissions."],
    blockBots: true, // weather or not to block bots.
    blockClient: true, // Weather or not to block the client.
    defaultCooldown: 3, // The default cooldown for commands.
    ignoreCooldown: [""], // Array of people who can ignore the cooldown.
    setCommandClient: true, // default to true || This is mostly for typescript users if you set this to false you won't be able to access the client via `this.client`!
    strict: true, // default to false. Weather to be strict about the command's execution.

async start() {
  try {
    await this.build();
    return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
  } catch (e) {

Setting up the event handler!

// Now for the event handler we have to import it first!
const {
} = require("discord.js-casanova");

class Client extends CasanovaClient {
  constructor() {
        token: "Your bot token here.",
        handlers: ["command", "event"],
        owners: [""],

    this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
        "The command folder directory the base being the main directory.",
      prefix: (message) => {
        return "+";
      baseClientPermissions: ["Base client permissions."],
      baseMemberPermissions: ["Base member permissions."],
      blockBots: true,
      blockClient: true,
      defaultCooldown: 3,
      ignoreCooldown: [""],
      setCommandClient: true,
      strict: true,

    // Then we make a property again call it whatever you want but i'm calling it eventHandler for this example.
    this.eventHandler = new EventHandler(this, {
        "The event folder directory the base being the main directory.",

  async start() {
    try {
      await this.build();
      return console.log(`${this.user.tag} is online!`);
    } catch (e) {

Creating your first command!

Notice: This should be in each file in the commands directory.

// Now for your first command!

// first we've gotta import the command base!

const { CommandBase } = require("discord.js-casanova");

module.exports = class PingCommand extends CommandBase {
  constructor() {
      name: "ping", // the name of the command.
      aliases: ["p"], // The aliases for the command <optional>.
      category: "Utils", // Category. <optional>
      clientPermissions: ["client permissions"], // <optional>
      cooldown: 4, // 0 for no cooldown <>.
      description: "description", // <optional>
      guildOnly: true, // <optional> default=true
      memberPermissions: ["member permissions"], // <optional>
      nsfw: false, // <optional> default=false
      ownerOnly: false, // <optional> default=false
      usage: "usage", // <optional>

  // Now every command Has to have an execute function.
  execute(message, args) {
    console.log(this.client.user.tag); // `this.client` being your client.

Creating your first event!

Notice: This should be in each file in the events directory.

// Now we gotta import the event base!
const { EventBase } = require("discord.js-casanova");

module.exports = class SomeEvent extends EventBase {
  constructor() {
      name: "Name of the event.",
      once: false, // <optional> weather the event should be emitted once or not.

  // Every event has to have an execute function.
  execute(...parms) {

Problems / issues

If you ever run into any issue with this package please join our support server and feel free to ping me!

Pull requests.

Pull requests are welcome by anybody.