Assembly Compo-contract


This contract governs the terms for the use of works of art submitted to the competitions held at ASSEMBLY event (organized by ASSEMBLY Organizing). The party owning the copyrights (later called Author) of the work of art (later called Work) accepts this agreement and its terms and is bound by them when entering an ASSEMBLY competition with the Work.

The agreement is valid effective immediately after the whole Work has been uploaded into the competition management system operated by ASSEMBLY Organizing or has been delivered by other means such as email or physical storage media to ASSEMBLY Organizing according to the rules of the particular competition.

ASSEMBLY Organizing is the marketing name of the Finnish company Assembly Organizing Oy (business identity code: FI 2245136-3). Thus this contract is made between the Author and Assembly Organizing Oy.

Responsibilities of the Author

  • The Author agrees to comply by the rules set for the competition
  • The Author(s) warrants, that any of the creators of the Work are not part of any copyright collecting society, which would limit the distribution of the Work as specified below
  • The Author (or Authors) affirms, that he either owns or has obtained all necessary copyrights for the content of the Work and that the public and/or private display of the Work is not restricted by the rights of third parties (such as the rights of copyright societies). The Author is responsible for the financial damages if said rights are not obtained and such damages are claimed from Assembly Organizing
  • The Author agrees to comply by the Finnish copyright legislation and affirms that the Work doesn't contain material offending persons or other parties, nor racistic or pornographic material
  • The Author gives ASSEMBLY Organizing the right to use the Work or parts thereof, free of charge, in their original or modified form in the marketing, all kinds of broadcasting, publishing or distribution of material related to the current and future ASSEMBLY events
  • The Author gives ASSEMBLY Organizing the right to broadcast the Work in any media or channel, without limitations to the geographical areas and presentation time
  • The Author gives ASSEMBLY Organizing the right to make video records and video conversions of the Work
  • The Author gives ASSEMBLY Organizing the right to give these above mentioned rights to the Work to third parties to be presented or broadcasted in whole or in part, without any limitations to geographical areas or presentation time in the original or modified form for publishing and re-distribution of the the Work for non-profit or free-of-charge media operations.

Responsibilities of ASSEMBLY Organizing

  • ASSEMBLY Organizing agrees to comply and respect the Finnish copyright legislation
  • ASSEMBLY Organizing agrees to treat all competition entries fairly
  • ASSEMBLY Organizing is responsible for maintaining competition management system and if necessarily will update the system to provide fair treatment to all authors
  • ASSEMBLY Organizing agrees to show a Work that has passed qualification in fair circumstances on the competition provided that this is not prevented by a force majure situation
  • ASSEMBLY Organizing agrees to its best ability to take care of the fatherhood rights of the Author that is to name the Author whenever the Work is presented
  • ASSEMBLY Organizing agrees to pay the winners of the competitions the prizes announced at the ASSEMBLY WWW-site according to spesific competition rules and general rules. The damages caused to the party place during the event will be reduced from the prizes.

Changing of the contract terms

This contract can be altered when the Author and ASSEMBLY Organizing both agree on the change of terms. In case ASSEMBLY Organizing wants to change the terms of the contract and the Author does not agree to the change, the contract can be unilaterally terminated by ASSEMBLY Organizing after a 30 days notice period.

Validity period of this contract

This contract is valid for two years after the contract has taken effect and after that indefinitely, if it is not terminated.

Termination of this contract

The contract can be mutually terminated without further liabilities. Termination is valid immediately after both parties have agreed to it. After this the rights and liabilities of both parties are void.

The contract can be terminated unilaterally if the other party can be proven to have significantly broken the terms of this contract. In this situation the termination is valid after 30 days notice period, if the situation is not corrected during this time.

Resolving of disputes

The contract is governed by Finnish law. Disputes are primarly solved by negotiation by the parties and ultimately in court of law in Helsinki, Finland.