Project Setup

Setup Environment

This project requires certain dependencies to be installed for proper functioning. Follow the instructions below to set up your environment.

Conda Environment

To create a conda environment with Python 3.12, use the following command:

conda create --name crewai-flows python=3.12

To activate the conda environment, use:

conda activate crewai-flows


If you prefer using virtualenv, first install it:

pip install virtualenv

Then create a virtual environment with Python 3.12:

virtualenv -p python3.12 crewai-dev

Activate the virtualenv environment with:

  • On Windows: myenv\Scripts\activate
  • On macOS/Linux: source myenv/bin/activate

Installing Dependencies

To install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file, use:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create Flow with Crews

  1. Create a New Flow:

    • Run the following command to create a new flow named self_evaluation_loop_flow:
      crewai create flow self_evaluation_loop_flow
    • Navigate into the newly created directory:
      cd self_evaluation_loop_flow
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Run the following command to install all necessary dependencies:
      crewai install
  3. Activate the Environment:

    • Mac:
      source .venv/bin/activate
    • Windows:
  4. Set Python Instance for IDE:

    • Mac:
      which python
    • Windows:
      where python
    • Use the output to set the Python instance in your IDE.
  5. Add Crews to the Flow:

    • Create a crew named shakespeare_crew to generate X posts:
      crewai flow add-crew shakespeare_crew
    • Create a crew named x_post_review_crew to review the posts created by shakespeare_crew:
      crewai flow add-crew x_post_review_crew