Do you like star wars? Test yourself with this quiz!
This is a fun project made using the
You have 2 minutes to correctly answer character names from star wars
- Score 10 points if you answer without reading the tip
- Score 5 points if you answer with the tip
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App using --typescript
First you need to get the credentials, follow the "Credentials" topic below.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Two credentials are required for the google search to work.
- First you need to visit: and click on the "Get a key" button
- Second you'll need a custom search engine id, for that you can visit:, put "" on the website box and then proceed with the creation. Then check the "Image search" and "Search the entire web" and copy the "Search engine ID" field.
- Third, I am also using bing as an option, so you have to go to the azure portal and create a "Bing Search v7" resource, after you created it, go to its options and copy one of its "keys", if you don't know how, check out:
Then create the following file:
"googleImagesContext": "SEARCH_ENGINE_ID",
"googleImagesApiKey": "API_KEY",
"bingSubscriptionKey": "BING_SEARCH_KEY"