Challenge Oracle One

Programming Logic

The challenge consists in developing an application that encrypts and decrypts texts by changing the vowels present in them following some rules:

  • The letter "a" should be converted to "ai"

  • The letter "e" should be converted to "enter"

  • The letter "i" should be converted to "imes

  • The letter "o" should be converted to "ober

  • The letter "u" should be converted to "ufat"

E.g: The word "gato" should be converted to "gaitober" and "gaitober" should be converted to "gato".


  • Must work with lowercase letters only

  • No letters with accents or special characters should be used

  • It must be possible to convert a word to the encrypted version and also return an encrypted word to the original version.

  • The page must have a text field where the user can type the text to be encrypted or decrypted (the user can choose between these two options)

  • The result should be displayed on the screen

Extra Features

  • A button to copy the encrypted/decrypted text to the clipboard

Project Structure

  1. src: source code
  2. tests: automated tests


  • Jest: a JavaScript Testing Framework

Running Tests

npm run test


To contribuit to this project follow theses steps.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Open the file index.html in your favorite browser


MIT Licence © Samuel do Prado Rodrigues (AssoDePicche)

Get in Touch

Samuel do Prado Rodrigues (AssoDePicche) -