Version: 1.0
SpotAxis is an Open-source (MIT Licensed) Applicant Tracking System to streamline your hiring process.
Our vision is to create the most adapted open-source Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that helps businesses manage the entire recruitment process, from attracting candidates to scheduling interviews, making hiring decisions and onboarding.
These are organizations who want to directly manage their own recruitment process using Spotaxis.
The key features for end users include the following
- Post jobs and maintain job templates
- Get your custom branded Career websites
- Parse resumes of each applicant
- Provide custom application form to candidates
- Collaborative hiring
- Custom hiring rounds
- Custom rating for candidates in each hiring round
- Compare ratings of each candidate
Can customize Spotaxis, add additional features, and host it for other companies to use as a subscription service.
The key features for this user type include the following
- Everything of End users.
- Manage multiple organisations
- Job Board
- Manage jobs and applicants
- Subscription Management for ATS.
- You can submit bugs and help us verify as they are live
- Contribute to bug fixes
- Review and collaborate on source code changes
- Write and improve SpotAxis documentation
- Contribute new feature development
- Python 2.7
- beautifulsoup4
- autodoc
- dateutils
- decorator
- Django==1.9.5
- django-localflavor
- django-rosetta
- django-social-share
- django-xhtml2pdf==0.0.3
- docutils
- html5lib
- httplib2
- microsofttranslator
- oauth2
- oauthlib
- Pillow==2.1.0
- pisa
- polib
- pyPdf
- PyPDF2
- python-dateutil
- python-openid
- python-social-auth
- pytz
- reportlab==2.7
- requests
- requests-oauthlib
- six
- waitress
- WebOb
- WebTest
- xhtml2pdf==0.0.5