Hey 👋, I'm Rahul Jha!

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I am a versatilist and easily adapt to different hats (Full Stack Web Developer 🌐, App Developer 📱, ML Engineer 🤖 or beginner level Designer 🎨) depending on what the project requires. I love exploring new tech stack 💻 and leveraging them to build cool stuffs 🛠️.


🧐 More About Me:

  • 🔭   I’m currently working on youtube-audio-player
  • 🤝   I’m looking to collaborate on sheets-database
  • 🌱   I’m currently learning Typescript;
  • 👨🏻‍💻   Most of my projects are available on Github
  • 🎨   Using this svg and Figma I made 👉
  • 💬   Ask me about anything tech related, I am happy to help;
  • 📫   Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn
  • 📝   Checkout my resume
  • 📚   When I am free, I read fantasy and fiction novels. Checkout my Goodreads to see the book I have read

🔨 Languages and Tools:

pytorch tensorflow Python Android Kotlin Java firebase JavaScript Typescirpt React Node.js git figma

📊 Github Stats

Stats Overview Most Used Languages

🛠️ My Projects

artistify sheetsdatabase readmeicons passwordkeeper