
The unholy union of docker compose, neovim, and neovide

Primary LanguagePython


Cooperates with Docker Compose, injects an nvim-based container into it, and connects neovide to it.

You can call it what you'd like, but I'm going to call this union unholy.


  • Unholy itself (I suggest using pipx)
  • Git
  • The Docker CLI
  • socat
  • Neovide


  1. Commit an Unholyfile to your repo (see below)
  2. Run unholy new <git url>
  3. Work on your project using unholy shell and unholy neovide

Use unholy remake to rebuild your development environment without re-cloning your repo or touching your work.

Note: By default, the name of the Unholy project is the repo name.


A major aspect of unholy is the Unholyfile. It is a script with TOML head matter, like so:

pip install pytest

The complete headmatter schema is loosely documented in core.Unholyfile.

The script supports a #!, defaulting to #!/bin/sh

If you specify a non-default image, it must be Debian-based.

Additional config

Local configuration (including project definitions) are stored in the XDG Config directory (default ~/.config/unholy).

There is a global ~/.config/unholy/Unholy applied to all projects. This is an excellent place for personal settings (like utilities you like or nvim configuration).

Each project gets an ~/.config/<name>.Unholyfile where unholy keeps git and Docker settings. You can add some local project overrides here.