
An AngularJS based application that puts your google spreadsheets on a map

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple handy tool to visualize geo-referenced data in a google spreadsheet. Mapsheet is a single page application that resides entirely on the client; it's based on the AngularJS framework and leverages Yeoman for scaffolding and tasks automation.

You can see a demo at this URL and use this example worksheet

This project is released under the MIT Licence and any contribution is very welcome!



Some requirements to get started with development:

  • NodeJS with npm package manager
  • Yeoman
  • PhantomJS - needed for tests, though it is possible to change the configuration and use any browser supported by karma

Project setup

After installing node and yeoman you can clone the repository and run the commands:

npm install
bower install


Copy the app/scripts/config.example.js to app/scripts/config.js and put your Google OAuth2 Client ID to enable API access.

You can access the API Console using this URL.

Grunt tasks

Now to run the embedded server with livereload:

grunt server

Other useful grunt tasks:

  • grunt test - Single run tests
  • grunt test-watch - Watch filesystem and run tests on any change
  • grunt build - Builds a distribution snapshot

What's working:

  • Login with google account
  • Retrieval of worksheets for the logged in user (use the top bar to view the open worksheet interface)
  • Retrieval and visualization of data for open worksheets
  • Minimum local storage support to cache the "project" configuration
  • Map with coordinate tracker
  • Visualise data from selected cells on a map

Next things coming:

  • Select cell intervals in the spreadsheet
  • Update spreadsheet by map interaction