
An integration of sbt with vim

Primary LanguageScala


Vimtegrate is a plugin for sbt inspired by sbt-quickfix that aims to providing a basic integration layer between sbt and vim; its requirements are:

  • vim has to be compiled with the clientserver option and running in server mode
  • vim-scala plugin should be installed to be able to correctly parse the quickfix

By default the plugin sends commands to a vim server having name sbt, but it can be configured to use a different name. Whenever a project using this plugin is compiled the following will happen:

  • The quickfix is cleaned up
  • Errors are sent to the quickfix using the caddexpr command
  • The quickfix window is shown
  • The cursor is sent back to the last window

The plugin will report both compilation and test failures.


From the astrac.vimtegrate.Plugin class:

val serverName = SettingKey[String]("vim-server-name", "The name of the vim server where to send the quickfix")
val vimCommand = SettingKey[String]("vim-command", "The command to be used to run the vim client")
val postQuickfixCommands = SettingKey[String]("vim-post-quickfix-commands", "Commands to execute after compilation errors are sent (by default :cwindow<CR><C-w><C-p>)")

Set this options to change the behaviour of the plugin.


At the moment the project is in the very early stages of development and is hardly tested at all. Any contribution in consolidating what is implemented will be much appreciated. Some more things that I want to implement:

  • Better test error source resolution (somewhat hacky at the moment)
  • ctags generation
  • Support quickfix output to file
  • Stack-trace highlight throughout the sourcein case of error (more an idea to investigate than anything concrete at the moment)