
Contain helper & premade continuous integration scripts for libhal projects and libraries

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Astraeus-Library/ci - Continuous Integration

The Astraeus-Library/ci repository provides a collection of GitHub Actions workflows that are designed to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software libraries for various hardware platforms. These workflows are designed to be used with the libhal library, but can be adapted for use with other libraries as well.


The repository contains the following workflows:

  1. demo_builder.yml: This workflow builds a demo profile for a specified library. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, and builds the package and demos for the specified profile.

  2. deploy.yml: This workflow builds packages for every device and architecture that libhal supports. It uses the deploy_unit.yml workflow for each device and architecture.

  3. deploy_unit.yml: This workflow is used by the deploy.yml workflow to build packages for a specific device and architecture.

  4. docs.yml: This workflow is used to generate documentation for the library. It uses Doxygen to generate the documentation and then uploads the generated documentation as an artifact.

  5. library.yml: This workflow is used to build and test a library. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, builds the library, runs tests, and optionally generates code coverage reports.

  6. lint.yml: This workflow is used to lint the code in the repository. It uses clang-format to format the code and clang-tidy to check the code for issues.

  7. platform_deploy.yml: This workflow is used to build packages for a specific platform. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, and builds the package for the specified platform.

  8. publish.yml: This workflow is used to publish the library. It generates a badge for the latest version of the library, sets up GitHub Pages, and deploys the documentation to GitHub Pages.

  9. self_check.yml: This workflow is used to run a series of checks on the library. It uses the library.yml and platform_deploy.yml workflows to build and test the library on various platforms.

  10. take.yml: This workflow is used to assign issues to contributors. When a contributor comments on an issue with the word "take", the workflow assigns the issue to the contributor.

  11. tests.yml: This workflow is used to run tests on the library. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, builds the library, runs tests, and optionally generates code coverage reports.


To use these workflows in your own repository, you can reference them in your own GitHub Actions workflows. For example, the libhal/libhal-stm32f1 repository uses these workflows in its ci.yml workflow.

Here is an example of how to use the library.yml and platform_deploy.yml workflows from the libhal/ci repository:

name: ✅ Checks

      - "*"
      - main
    - cron: "0 12 * * 0"

  # Unit test, lint, and doc generation
    uses: Astraeus-Library/ci/.github/workflows/library.yml@4.0.0
    secrets: inherit

  # Test profile stm32f103c8 & upload prebuilt binaries to repository
    uses: Astraeus-Library/ci/.github/workflows/platform_deploy.yml@4.0.0
      profile: stm32f103c8
      upload: true
      processor_profile: https://github.com/libhal/libhal-armcortex.git
    secrets: inherit

  # Build platform based on profile& build p
    uses: Astraeus-Library/ci/.github/workflows/platform_deploy.yml@4.0.0
      profile: stm32f103c4
      processor_profile: https://github.com/libhal/libhal-armcortex.git
    secrets: inherit

  # Required for libhal libraries to generate releases when a new tag version
  # is pushed. Highly recommended for open source libhal libraries.
    needs: [ci, cortex-m3, stm32f103c4, stm32f103zd]
    if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - name: Release
        uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
        if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
          generate_release_notes: true

In this example, the libhal job uses the library.yml workflow to build and test the libhal library, and the libhal-stm32f1 job uses the platform_deploy.yml workflow to build packages for the libhal-stm32f1 library for the stm32f1 platform.

Device Libraries

The libhal/ci workflows can also be used with device-specific libraries. These libraries provide implementations of the libhal interfaces for specific devices.

Example: libhal-esp8266

The libhal-esp8266 library provides an implementation of the libhal interfaces for the ESP8266 device. The library uses the libhal/ci workflows to automate building, testing, and deploying the library.

The ci.yml workflow for the libhal-esp8266 library is as follows:

name: ✅ CI

      - main
    - cron: "0 12 * * 0"

    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/library.yml@3.0.3
      library: libhal-esp8266
      coverage: true
    secrets: inherit
    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/deploy.yml@3.0.3
    secrets: inherit
    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/demo_builder.yml@3.0.3
      profile: lpc4078
      processor_profile: https://github.com/libhal/libhal-armcortex.git
      platform_profile: https://github.com/libhal/libhal-lpc40.git
    secrets: inherit

In this workflow:

  • The ci job uses the library.yml workflow from libhal/ci to build and test the libhal-esp8266 library. Code coverage is enabled for this job.

  • The deploy job uses the deploy.yml workflow from libhal/ci to build packages for the libhal-esp8266 library.

  • The build_lpc4078 job uses the demo_builder.yml workflow from libhal/ci to build a demo for the libhal-esp8266 library for the lpc4078 platform. The processor_profile and platform_profile inputs specify the profiles to use for the processor and platform, respectively.

To use the libhal/ci workflows with your own device-specific library, you can follow the same pattern as the libhal-esp8266 library. Just replace libhal-esp8266 with the name of your library, and adjust the processor_profile and platform_profile inputs as needed for your device.

Detailed Workflow Descriptions


The library.yml workflow is used to build and test a library. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, builds the library, runs tests, and optionally generates code coverage reports.


  • library: The name of the library to build and test. Default is the name of the repository where the workflow is running.
  • coverage: A boolean value indicating whether to generate code coverage reports. Default is true.
  • fail_on_coverage: A boolean value indicating whether the workflow should fail if the code coverage does not meet the specified threshold. Default is false.
  • coverage_threshold: A string specifying the minimum and maximum code coverage thresholds. The workflow will generate a warning if the code coverage is below the minimum threshold and an error if it is above the maximum threshold. Default is "40 80".
  • source_dir: The directory where the source code for the library is located. Default is "include/".
  • skip_deploy: A boolean value indicating whether to skip the deployment step. Default is false.
  • app_folder: The directory where the application code for the library is located. Default is "demos".
  • repo: The GitHub repository where the library is located. Default is the repository where the workflow is running.
  • conan_version: The version of Conan to use for building the library. Default is "2.0.14".

This workflow is designed to be used in any GitHub Actions workflow by referencing it with the uses keyword and providing the necessary inputs. If an input is not provided, the workflow will use the default value.


The deploy.yml workflow is used to build packages for every device and architecture that libhal supports. It uses the deploy_unit.yml workflow for each device and architecture.


  • library: The name of the library to build packages for. Default is the name of the repository where the workflow is running.
  • repo: The GitHub repository where the library is located. Default is the repository where the workflow is running.
  • conan_version: The version of Conan to use for building the library. Default is "2.0.14".

This workflow creates a job for each supported device and architecture. Each job uses the deploy_unit.yml workflow to build a package for the specified device and architecture. The profile and profile_source inputs for the deploy_unit.yml workflow are set to the name of the device and the URL of the profile for the device, respectively.

This workflow is designed to be used in any GitHub Actions workflow by referencing it with the uses keyword and providing the necessary inputs. If an input is not provided, the workflow will use the default value.


The platform_deploy.yml workflow is used to build packages for a specific platform. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, and builds the package for the specified platform.


  • library: The name of the library to build packages for. Default is the name of the repository where the workflow is running.
  • repo: The GitHub repository where the library is located. Default is the repository where the workflow is running.
  • conan_version: The version of Conan to use for building the library. Default is "2.0.14".
  • profile: The profile to use for building the package. This input is required.
  • upload: A boolean value indicating whether to upload the built package to the libhal Conan repository. Default is false.
  • processor_profile: The URL of the processor profile to use for building the package. Default is an empty string.

This workflow runs on an Ubuntu 22.04 runner. It checks out the code for the library, installs CMake and Conan, adds the libhal Conan repository to the Conan remotes, creates and sets up the default Conan profile, signs into JFrog Artifactory if the workflow is running on the main branch, installs the libhal settings_user.yml file, installs host OS profiles, installs processor profiles if a processor_profile input is provided, installs platform profiles, and creates packages for the Debug, RelWithDebInfo, MinSizeRel, and Release build types for the specified profile. It also builds demos for the specified profile. If the upload input is true and the workflow is running on a tag, it uploads the built package to the libhal Conan repository.

This workflow is designed to be used in any GitHub Actions workflow by referencing it with the uses keyword and providing the necessary inputs. If an input is not provided, the workflow will use the default value.


The demo_builder.yml workflow builds a demo profile for a specified library. It installs necessary dependencies, sets up Conan profiles, and builds the package and demos for the specified profile.


  • library: The name of the library to build a demo for. Default is the name of the repository where the workflow is running.
  • repo: The GitHub repository where the library is located. Default is the repository where the workflow is running.
  • conan_version: The version of Conan to use for building the library. Default is "2.0.14".
  • profile: The profile to use for building the demo. This input is required.
  • processor_profile: The URL of the processor profile to use for building the demo. Default is an empty string.
  • platform_profile: The URL of the platform profile to use for building the demo. Default is an empty string.

This workflow runs on an Ubuntu 22.04 runner. It checks out the code for the library, installs CMake and Conan, adds the libhal Conan repository to the Conan remotes, creates and sets up the default Conan profile, signs into JFrog Artifactory if the workflow is running on the main branch, installs the libhal settings_user.yml file, installs host OS profiles, installs processor profiles if a processor_profile input is provided, installs platform profiles if a platform_profile input is provided, builds a package for the specified profile with the MinSizeRel build type, and builds demos for the specified profile with the MinSizeRel build type.

This workflow is designed to be used in any GitHub Actions workflow by referencing it with the uses keyword and providing the necessary inputs. If an input is not provided, the workflow will use the default value.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.


Apache 2.0; see LICENSE for details.


This project is not an official Google project. It is not supported by Google and Google specifically disclaims all warranties as to its quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.