
an EventWaiter for JDA discord bot library in java

Primary LanguageJava

👋 Hello!

Here is a small projet that allows you create an event waiter with the discord jda library! If you find a bug or have any suggestion, please contact me!

❓ What is it for?

This projet will allow you to easily create waiters. For instance, making a reaction role or a bingo game will now be child's play!

📂 How to install ?

You have to download the 3 following .java files and add them in a single package:

📚 How to setup ?

The only setup step is to register the EventWaiter in your JDABuilder object:

public class Bot {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token")
            .addEventListerners(new EventWaiter())

🖥 How to create a waiter ?

Now you have to create a Waiter object:

note that T is a template extending from GenericEvent

  • First comes the constructors :
Constructor Description
Waiter(Class eventType, Predicate conditions, Consumer<WaiterAction> action, boolean autoRemove, Long expirationTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) The full constructor.
Waiter(Class eventType, Predicate conditions, Consumer> action, boolean autoRemove) The constructor without expiration handling. by default the expiration time will be set to 1 minute.
Waiter() The empty constructor. You'll have to set the attributes by yourself.
  • Then, here is the list of all the Waiter attributes that you can acces to :
Attribute Type Description
eventType Class the class of the event you'll be waiting for
conditions Predicate all the conditions that an event must meet to execute the waiter's action
action Consumer<WaiterAction> the action that will be executed if the conditions are fulfilled
autoRemove boolean will the waiter be unregistered once the action is executed ? if false, you may want to unregister the waiter by yourself
expirationTime long the time after which the waiter will be unregistered automatically
timeUnit TimeUnit the unit of the previous time
timeoutAction Runnable the action that will be executed once the waiter expires (null if no action)

You can access to all of them using getter / setters. To access to the event inside of the waiter action, use action.getEvent()

While creating the waiter, the IDE may be lost and erroring/failing at auto-completion. That's why I recommand you to first make a "template" of your constructor by setting all your lambda arguments to null, and then replace the null values by your lambdas:

Waiter<GuildMessageReceivedEvent> waiter = new Waiter<>(

⚒ How to register and unregister the waiter?

To register your just created waiter:


To unregister the waiter while you still have acces to it:


To unregister the waiter from the performed action:


🎲 Example time!

In the examples, I will use these two variables:

Variable Description
event the waiter creation event
e the event that will trigger the waiter
  • A waiter that will repeat your next message (within 1 minute)
EventWaiter.register(new Waiter<>(
    e -> (!e.getMessage().equals(event.getMessage()) && e.getAuthor().equals(event.getAuthor())),
    action -> action.getEvent().getChannel().sendMessage(action.getEvent().getMessage().getContentRaw()).queue(),
  • A bingo game
int range = 20;
String number = Integer.toString ((int) (Math.random() * range));

Waiter<GuildMessageReceivedEvent> waiter = new Waiter<>();
    .setConditions(e -> !e.getMessage().equals(event.getMessage()) && e.getChannel().equals(event.getChannel()))
    .setExpirationTime(2L, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
    .setTimeoutAction(() -> event.getChannel().sendMessage("no one found :sob: The number was " + number).queue())
    .setAction(action -> {
        if(action.getEvent().getMessage().getContentRaw().equals(number)) {
            action.getEvent().getChannel().sendMessage("GG " + action.getEvent().getAuthor().getAsMention() + "! You found the number! It was " + number).queue();
        else {
  • A reaction role
TODO create a reaction role