
Examples of disintegration effects with godot 2d particle shaders

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


image image

Examples of disintegration effects with godot 2d particle shaders


Creating a disintegration effect

The following process can be followed to create a similar effect starting from any particles material. The full source code for this example can be found in undertale.tres.

  1. Set up a Particle2D node with the desired parameters and convert the ParticlesMaterial to a ShaderMaterial
  2. Set explosiveness to 1 and the particle amount to the number of pixels in the image
  3. Add a uniform to pass in the image that will be disintegrated
        uniform sampler2D sprite;
  1. In the vertex function calculate a starting position for each particle from its base_number
        ivec2 sprite_size = textureSize(sprite, 0);
      	int x = int(base_number) % sprite_size.x;
        int y = (int(base_number) / sprite_size.x) % sprite_size.y;
        ivec2 starting_position = ivec2(x, y);
  1. In the restart block set the particles position, kept in TRANSFORM[3] to the starting position
        TRANSFORM[3].xy = vec2(starting_position);
  1. Remove the color_value uniform and replace it with a variable that gets the color from the particles starting position in the image, deactivate the particle if it is fully transparent
        vec4 color_value = texelFetch(sprite, starting_position, 0);
        if (color_value.a == 0.0) { ACTIVE = false; }
  1. Add a uniform to control the fraction of the lifetime a particle will be displayed, this is needed to compensate for the time the effect takes to complete
        uniform float particle_lifetime_fraction : hint_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
  1. The variable tv holds the fraction of particle lifetime elapsed, adjust it by particle_lifetime_fraction
        tv = clamp(CUSTOM.y / CUSTOM.w / particle_lifetime_fraction, 0.0, 1.0);
  1. Add a uniform to control the fraction of the sprite disintegrated
        uniform float progress : hint_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
  1. The else block should only run on particles that have disintegrated, ie. particles in the top fraction of the image, replace the else with an else if
        } else if (float(starting_position.y) / float(sprite_size.y) < progress) {
  1. The particle position is by default automatically calculated using the value in VELOCITY, to calculate it manually add the disable_velocity render mode
        render_mode disable_velocity;
  1. In the above else if block manualy calculate the new position
        TRANSFORM[3].xyz += VELOCITY * DELTA;
  1. Add a script to the Particle2D to tween the progress uniform. The tween should take lifetime * (1 - particle_lifetime_fraction) to complete so that the last particles will fully fade in lifetime seconds
        func start():
            emitting = true
            var frac = process_material.get("shader_param/particle_lifetime_fraction")
            process_material.set("shader_param/progress", 0.0)
            var tween = get_tree().create_tween()
                      lifetime * (1.0 - frac))
  1. (Optional) The resulting shader potentially contains many lines using unused uniforms which can be removed to improve performance. The cleaned up shader can be found in undertale_cleaned.tres