
A simple (unofficial) CLI for Venmo

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


venmo-cli is a simple CLI for Venmo, built on the Venmo API by mmohades. As with his API, use this tool at your own risk as it is not sponsored/maintained by PayPal or Venmo.


Install with pip:

pip install venmo-cli

Sample usage

$ venmo --help
Usage: venmo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  venmo-cli: Venmo for the command-line

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  logout   Logs out of your current session
  pay      Sends money to another user
  request  Requests money from another user
$ venmo pay --help
Usage: venmo pay [OPTIONS] USERNAME

  Sends money to another user

  -a, --amount FLOAT             [required]
  -m, --msg TEXT                 [default: 🤖]
  -p, --privacy PAYMENT_PRIVACY  [default: friends]
  --help                         Show this message and exit.
$ venmo pay cameronbernhardt -a 5 -m "thanks for the pizza" --privacy=private
Paid $5 to @cameronbernhardt with message 'thanks for the pizza'
$ venmo request cameronbernhardt -a 10 -m "lunch"
Requested $10 from @cameronbernhardt with message 'lunch'