
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

vis_sample - Python Package for visibility sampling

    vis_sample allows you to sample visibilities from a user-supplied sky-brightness image. 

    (u,v) grid points can either be supplied by the user, or can be retrieved from a template uvfits file / measurement set.

    The results can be output either to a uvfits file or returned back to the user (for scripting)

    imagefile : the input sky brightness image, needs to be in a valid FITS format with units of DEG for the RA and DEC or a RADMC3D image.out file (ascii format)

    for uv points use:
        uvfile - uvfits file or measurement set with visibilities that the sky brightness will be interpolated to
        uu, vv - numpy arrays - they need to be in units of lambda (i.e. number of wavelengths)

    mu_RA - right ascension offset from phase center in arcseconds 

    mu_DEC - declination offset from phase center in arcseconds

    src_distance - distance to source in parsecs - only required for RADMC3D input images
    gcf_holder - (optional) gcf_holder object returned by previous call to vis_sample (see below return_gcf). 
                If you use this option DO NOT feed in a uvfile or uu, vv arrays. They will be used by default and you'll see no speed increase

    corr_cache - (optional parameter) 2D corr_cache array output by previous call to vis_sample (see below return_corr_cache). 

    outfile - name of optional output file, needs to have either a .uvfits or .ms extension consistent with extension of uvfile

    verbose - prints all progress output and timing

    return_gcf - (boolean) flag to return the gcf cache to allow faster interpolation for many models   
    return_corr_cache - (boolean) flag to return the correction function cache to allow faster interpolation for many models 


    >> from vis_sample import vis_sample                                                                            # import the vis_sample command  

    >> vis_sample(imagefile="my_model.fits", uvfile="data.uvfits", outfile='interp.uvfits')         # sample my_model using data (u,v) points and output to interp.uvfits

    >> interp_vis = vis_sample(imagefile="my_model.fits", uvfile="data.uvfits")                                     # sample my_model using data (u,v) points, interp_vis stores visibilities

    In the second usage, interp_vis is the "raw" output visibility, ie just a numpy array of size [n_visibilities, n_chans]

    We can also output the caches for faster future usage:

    >> interp, gcf_holder = vis_sample(imagefile="my_model.fits", uvfile="data.uvfits", return_gcf = True)          # sample my_model using data (u,v) points, also store the gcf_holder

    >> interp2 = vis_sample(imagefile="second_model.fits", gcf_holder = gcf_holder)                                 # sample a second model using the same (u,v) points, this is faster now

    >> interp, gcf_holder, corr_cache = vis_sample(imagefile="my_model.fits", uvfile="data.uvfits", return_gcf = True, return_corr_cache = True)          # sample my_model using data (u,v) points, also store the gcf_holder and corr_cache

    >> interp2 = vis_sample(imagefile="second_model.fits", gcf_holder = gcf_holder, corr_cache=corr_cache)                                 # sample a second model using the same (u,v) points, this is faster now


Source Structure


    |-- vis_sample
    |   |-- classes.py                                   : Contains class information for visibilities and sky brightness images 
    |   |-- constants.py                                 : Physical and numerical constants 
    |   |-- file_handling.py                             : File I/O 
    |   |-- gridding.py                                  : Functions for the gcf and correction function  
    |   |-- interpolation.py                             : Functions for interpolating visibilities
    |   |-- transforms.py                                : FFTs for sky brightness -> visibility
    |   |-- vis_sampler.py                               : Wraps everything together into vis_sample() function
    |   | 
    |   |-- __init__.py
    |-- README