
Convert Garmin FIT (or GPX) to CSV and censor files

Primary LanguagePython

Converting Garmin FIT to CSV (and GPX to CSV)

article for original version


  • Python 3.5+

  • BeautifulSoup

  • fitparse (installation instructions below)

  • FIT files to convert (if using that feature)

  • GPX files to convert (if using that feature)

First, install fitparse

sudo pip3 install -e git+https://github.com/dtcooper/python-fitparse#egg=python-fitparse


sudo pip3 install fitparse

Then you can execute process_all.py

python3 process_all.py --subject-name=mysubjectname --fit-source-dir=/media/myname/GARMIN/Garmin/ACTIVITY/

This will create a bunch of CSVs for all of your workouts in that directory. The files will be stored in a subject_data directory's subdirectory (check the defaults for the specific folders), which is generated based off the subject name. Up to 3 files are made per FIT file:

  1. A CSV of all of the track data

  2. A CSV of the lap data

  3. A CSV of the start (and stop) data

Each of the CSVs is in the format '{activity_type}YY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS[{laps,starts}].csv.

You can also provide a csv to censor certain geographic regions by latitude, longitude, and radius. Simply create a CSV with longitude, latitude, and radius column headers, and add as many circular regions as you want. Note that radius is assumed to be in meters.

python3 process_all.py --subject-name=mysubjectname --fit-source-dir=/media/myname/GARMIN/Garmin/ACTIVITY/ --censorfile=/home/mydir/censor.csv --censor

This will be stored in a folder called "censored" that is in the subject's directory. You can use the --censor-string= to change what censored fields are replaced with (default is [CENSORED]).

You can also archive the data after it's been processed:

python3 process_all.py --subject-name=mysubjectname --fit-source-dir=/media/myname/GARMIN/Garmin/ACTIVITY/ --censorfile=/home/mydir/censor.csv --censor --archive-results

By default, this stores data in a directory called archives in the main subject_data folder. You can add the --archive-censored-only, which will only archive the censored folder.

GPX data

You can also process GPX data (and censor it the same way as FIT data)

For the initial processing, you can do

python3 process_all.py --subject-name=mysubjectname --skip-fit-conversion gpx-source-dir=/home/mydir/gpx_files

By default, the program will always try to copy/process FIT files unless you add the --skip-fit-conversion flag, but you can always tweak the code to your needs.

Additional Help

You can use python3 process_all.py --help to see more information.