- abeelen
- abigailStevMichigan State University
- aileisun
- amuellerMicrosoft
- andersdotCarnegie Observatories
- astrocrazyToronto - Canada
- astrofrogUnited Kingdom
- atakanMiddle East Technical University
- bsipoczCaltech/IPAC
- cbonnettLondon
- davidwhoggNew York City
- dfmNYC
- dhuppenkothenSRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
- dkaramit@university-of-jyvaskyla
- drphilmarshallSLAC
- eggplantbrenThe University of Auckland
- ellieschStanford, University
- eramiremDescartes Labs
- eteqSpace Telescope Science Institute
- ivezicUniversity of Washington
- ixkaelLondon, UK
- jakevdpGoogle
- jhcloos
- kbarbaryArrePath
- lauranoren@NYU-CDS
- mik3caprioNew York, NY
- nityamdCodecademy
- psarkis
- tinapetersSaint Mary's College